Life is filled with all sorts of interesting personalities and every single one you come across will teach you a lesson or two. Even if they are jerks, you will most likely remember them and what they taught you because certain individuals can affect us more than anything else in this world.

It’s inevitable that you might get stuck in a really difficult or unsatisfying relationship at one point or another, but you have to know when to get the hell out of there because it is bad for your soul! It’s truly important to understand that to lead a happy life and the best one possible, you need to surround yourself with people that will influence you in a positive manner.
You should also know when to avoid some of the worst kinds, like these types of toxic people:
The Gossip – To gossip is to be human. People talk and that’s something that will never change but if all they do, and I mean ALL that they do is just spread horrible things about others, make up lies and continuously starting their sentences with “Did you hear about…?” then you might want to steer clear of this one. If you’re friends with such person, you can be certain they will be yapping away about you when you’ve turned your back.

The Passive-Agrressive – Never trust someone who cannot say how they feel directly. This person will say things in the most polite and nicest way possible, but what lies beneath the words they utter are only malicious things.
The Narcissist – This person is all about themselves. They may appear nice in the beginning but you will soon realize that they’re quick to disappoint. If it doesn’t benefit them, they don’t give a hoot.
The Drama-Queen – One of the most annoying kinds, the drama-queen will always need to be at the center of attention. They always have drama surrounding their life, may it be from dealing with their own or causing trouble in other people’s lives. They usually like to attack one person at a time and then enjoy the drama, which they’ve carefully created.

The Bitter-gourd – Hanging out with this particular character is exhausting, so avoid them at all cost. You may as well go to the underworld and offer your soul to Hades, rather than spending time with this ball of sunshine. All they do is complain about others, complain about the shortcomings in their lives, and pretty much everything that lives and breathes. They are angry and can never see anything good in life.
The Opinionated – It’s okay to be opinionated and always surround yourself with those that have good opinions to share. The one I am referring to is someone who feels this raging itch to say something about everyone and everything. You can bet your bottom dollar that it won’t be a nice comment either. If you come across people like this, keep in mind that the reason they say what they say is because they are unhappy with themselves and their own lives. That or they’re just an a**hole.
The Showoff – I feel as though if you are successful in life, you should share your success. Not be an obnoxious human being and constantly flaunt the things people may want and not be able to afford. These people know deep, deep, down inside that their worth is far, far less than yours. Hence, their need to compensate by showing off.