Men are so cute. Some of them are really keyed in as to what us women like and don’t but some haven’t got the slightest clue. There are a lot of things men do that women will gush over but instead they choose to do what they see in the movies. And honey, that just won’t fly.

Heart jewelry – Just because we are women doesn’t mean we love everything that’s heart-shaped. We don’t see a romantic gift, we see a gift that’s has no thought being put into whatsoever. Try a little harder because we know you can.
Puppies – This may seem romantic in the movies but in reality they are a lot of work and you shouldn’t be gifted a puppy. You should decided to buy one for yourself. Too many puppies end up in shelters because they were not wanted in the first place.

Terrible home-cooked meal – It’s cute that you want to impress us but we are fine with take-out if you can’t cook. Because food poisoning is not impressive at all!
Play fighting – Playful fighting can be a lot of fun. But from personal experience, it can get quite ugly, especially when you tickle us. We can’t control the volume of our laughter or the way our face look when we are in pain, you know?

Making you jump – There is nothing romantic about scaring the living daylights out of people, especially when they’re in the kitchen preparing food! Hot food and being scared to death is not a good combination at all. It’s a recipe for disaster.
Stuffed toy – We don’t care if it’s a teddy bear, a Hello Kitty phone cover or baby dolphin – stuffed toys are for kids and it’s never been nor will it ever be cute in our eyes! Try harder, fellas.