When entering a new relationship, everything is a little uncertain and there are doubts flying in our minds everywhere. Sure, things might be going great at this moment and you’re having the time of your life, but how do you know that this relationship is the right one?

How sure are you that your partner is not the wrong person? Here are some of the tell-tale signs:
You’re Not Entirely Happy – True, you cannot depend on anyone else but yourself to be happy, but (arguments aside) you should always feel the enjoyment when being with your partner. If you find yourself stressed and unhappy a lot of the times, then sit down, and rethink this thing you got going.
You’re Skeptical About Being Yourself – You’re constantly worried about the things that are coming out of your mouth and the way you are acting. Even friends say that you seem a bit off and very unlike yourself. Even after seeing each other for a few months and you still have to watch yourself around them, then that’s a warning sign right there. You should be able to be your complete self!
You’re Sucked Out of Energy – Being in a relationship should make you feel significantly wonderful, almost as if you can take on the world. But if being around your partner exhausts you due to their constant complaining and woes, then something doesn’t ring true. They are meant to lift you up high, not drag you down to the pits of emotional hell. Relationships may take some work, but it shouldn’t feel like it.
You Don’t See A Future – When you’re with a boyfriend/girlfriend, after being together for some time, you should already envision a future together. If you can’t see past “right now” with your partner then maybe they are not the right one for you.
You’re Not Compatible – This is not to say that the pair of you should be totally alike, because opposites do sometimes attract. But you should be compatible in terms of sharing the same views on life and such.
You Don’t Get Excited – Ya’ know, when you’re with someone and when you’re really happy with that person, you should get excited to be around them. If you feel like being with them is a chore and you find yourself sending their calls to voicemail, you should probably rethink the entire relationship. Being with your partner should be fun and exciting.
You Don’t Feel Good – In addition to being happy, you should have a good self-esteem, regardless of when you’re with someone or not. Even though you’re allowed to have doubts and insecurities, you should be confident most of the time. If you’re with someone that undermines that about you, then you might want to leave. Stand up for yourself!
You Can’t Decide – If you sometimes feel unhappy about the relationship but tell yourself that it’s normal to have downfalls in relationships, you should probably list down the pros and cons. If the cons outweigh the pros, you’ll know what to do then. Do not feel compelled to stay with someone just because.