Marriage is pretty frickin’ awesome, despite what others may have told you or whatever word on the street says about it. When you find that one person that you want to spend forever with, it’s okay to bask in the celebration of your love for one another. Marriage does not necessarily have to be a miserable thing that you’re stuck with. I would know because I’m about to be married and I have witnessed some really happily married couples.

I think that people who claim marriage to be a miserable affair that they have to endure for the rest of their life, obviously got hitched for the wrong reasons and with the wrong person. Here are some of the amazing things that married couples have to say about spending the rest of eternity with your partner for life:
Nothing Changes – People say everything changes when you get married but that’s because they decided to settle down with the wrong person or they just settled. Nothing else should changed except for your status and your last name.
Complement One Another – Be friends, not clones of each other, and enjoy what you both bring to the table.
Alone Time Please? – It’s totally okay to want alone time. Whether it’s you or him. It’s healthy and sometimes necessary when you’re married. This doesn’t mean that you love each other any less. This only means you respect each other enough to understand that sometimes everyone needs to be alone with their thoughts to do their own things.
It’s A Lot More Fun – A lot have said that their relationship got better than it was after they decided to tie the knot. They were able to spend time with each other and have fun before getting busy to produce adorable offspring!
Silly Little Habits – You don’t truly realise how annoying your partner’s quirky habits truly are until you’re married and spending everyday together under one roof. But as annoying as they may be, you’ll still find the habits somewhat endearing.

Argue, But Don’t – What I’m trying to say is, it’s healthy to argue sometimes but don’t take each other too seriously because that will just lead to unnecessary arguments.
It’s About You Two – You’ll be amazed at how much outsiders have to say when it comes to your marriage. But have fun and do things at your own pace. It’s not a competition, it’s a life that you’re gonna create together, so you’re allowed to take your time to have kids despite what others say.
Be Not Afraid To Fart – It’s one of the most liberating things to do some of the most vile things we used to hide from our boyfriends, and to be able to do that in front of our husbands. Bonus point is that they will still love you the same if not more after having too much spicy food for dinner.
Fight Fair – Don’t say things you will regret and harm the relationship you two have built. Keep the fights clean, but you’re more than encouraged to keep things dirty in the bedroom.
It’s Never Boring – Sometimes things can get repetitive, but if you married the right person, you will find yourself constantly being surprised by your partner. May it be with random gifts or fun stories from the past. Either way, marriage can never be boring when you choose the right teammate for life.