When you are into someone, it’s sometimes a little difficult to tell whether he is being nice or he’s actually flirting with you. You could be an expert at relationships and still get confused when it comes to telling signs that he does indeed like you too. While it’s not that easy to read body language, there are obvious signs that you can look out for to confirm that he’s interested. Here are some of the ways that they consciously and sometimes unconsciously tell you they’re into you.

1) He touches your back and pulls you close to him. If it feels like a scene from the Step Up movie with Channing Tatum, then you know he is a lot into you.
2) Apparently guys who like you never speak at full volume, so if he is whispering and speaking softly, then you know he is totally trying to get all up in there.
3) If the two of you are out with a bunch of people but he never leaves your side, then you know. He could be hanging out with everyone else but he sees you and only you.
4) He smiles. Not the polite I’m-getting-ready-for-photo smile but the kind of grin that just lights up when something wonderful happens. Yeah, that wonderful thing is you.
5) He winks. I don’t know about most girls, but I think winking is one of the sexiest forms of flirting. You gotta do it right though because if you’re winking like something’s in your eye, then that’ s just a turn off.
6) He goes out of his way to do things for you. Unless he has been your bestie since you were kids, it’s very unlikely for guys that aren’t into you to be doing this.