Break-ups are never easy, in fact they are just the worst, and I know I’m stating the obvious here. But what can be more confusing and emotionally draining besides the actual break-up is the aftermath. The sh*t storm after the storm if you will. When you’re feeling lost, confused, alone, frustrated and less confident than usual, it’s totally understandable for you to make some questionable decisions.

You’ve just got your heart ripped out of your chest and nothing makes sense, so to help you avoid some of the worst decisions you can make, we have compiled a list of things you might want to stay away from doing. This break-up world is a tricky one and we feel your pain, but with a helping hand, we’re pretty certain that you won’t make these regrettable choices:
Eat Your Heart Out – One of the very common mistakes of break-ups and probably the first go-to thing to do. I know ordering boxes of pizza and chicken wings would go great with two seasons of Sex and the City but you will only feel bloated after, not better.
Shots, Shots, Shots! – When you’re back to singledom, it’s totally natural for your friends to want to take you out for drinks and a chat. A couple of cocktails during happy hour is completely encourage but if you get white-girl-wasted, you’re only going to feel worse the morning after. Who knows, you might have drunken-texted him while out on a tequila-induced night and you know that’s something you’ll regret!
Facebook-Ranting – No matter how much your heart is hurting and your fingers are itching to type away in order to make things public, you really shouldn’t. It’s not cute nor admirable. Take not from Robin Thicke’s very-public saga.
Hit It and Quit It – We’re all for rebound sex but there should be a grace period before you jump on to someone. Allow a little time for yourself to heal without the help of that cute bartender. Random hookups are very risky, and not the exciting kind but the “what-the-f*ck-have-I-done” kind. So, wait out and hold out for someone you’re ready to hook up with.

Make Him Pay – Remember in Waiting To Exhale, when Angela Bassett set her husband’s things in his car on fire after he dropped the bomb of leaving her for another woman? That was one of the most powerful scenes in movie history for me, but as bad-ass as it is, please do not try it at home. Ignore the thoughts of getting even with him and just try and move on instead.
On To The Next One – While a lot of people heal very differently and not all rebound relationships are destined for a terrible end, you should still allow yourself for some time to heal. You can’t be hung up on the previous one, while getting busy with the current one. It’s unfair for him and definitely unfair for yourself.
Obsess Over Him and His Life After You – This is the unhealthiest way to get over someone. Cut all contacts and means that could lead to you finding out about his new life without you. Unfriend and block him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and whatever else. You can’t obsess over every picture with a girl that he puts up so, it’s best to rid of his face on your news feed.
Allow Some Alone Time – After a break-up it’s very good to keep yourself busy but allow for some crying time too. We’re not saying to dwell in self-pity but a good cry can sometimes help make you feel lighter and more liberated. Take time to realize that with or without a partner, you’re a pretty darn good catch!