This is extremely bizarre!
A Canadian man who was expecting to be a father of five babies instead received a devastating surprise.
Paul Servat was expecting his girlfriend, Barbara Bienvenue, to deliver quintuplets. Her tummy swelled, she began lactating and donations from neighbours and friends of the couple poured in. She even had morning sickness.
But on Wednesday when they checked in the hospital for delivery after nine months, Servat was taken aside by a nurse who told him there was no record of pregnancy and that his partner was not carrying any children.
“We were so happy,” Servat said. “Even my parents, they were so looking forward to having grandchildren. I lost my whole life.”

Now Servat is searching for answers.
Geneviève Laflamme, a mother of triplets who befriended the couple, said that parts of the woman’s story didn’t add up. Laflamme became sceptical after the woman kept adding to the number of expected children — first one, then two, then three, four and five.
Dr. Haim Abenhaim, an obstetrician and gynecologist at Montreal’s Jewish General Hospital, said that Servat’s girlfriend may have had pseudocyesis, a condition in which physical signs of pregnancy manifest, but there’s no actual pregnancy. Servat’s girlfriend is currently undergoing a psychiatric evaluation.
What in the world?! So, is the doctor saying that thinking about being pregnant could actually make you experience pregnancy, just without real babies?