Shots shots shots shots shots, everybody!

Friday’s here and I have one the best news for you! Based on a recent study, tequila will help you lose weight. Yes, you read that right — tequila can aid in weight loss so drink up ladies!
Not only will tequila assist in the weight lost process, it will also help lower your blood sugar level — brilliant news for people who suffer from type-2 Diabetes. A recent study conducted at the American Chemical Society has blessed us with this amazing information on this beautiful and glorious Friday!
The study showed that agavina, a sugar that coems from the agave plant used to produced tequila, triggered insulin production and lowered blood sugar in an experiment conducted with mice. In addition to these amazing results, the sweetener also help the overweight mice drop some hefty LBS.
Unlike sucrose, fructose, and glucose, agavina is not absorbed by the body so it will not increase blood glucose. Now, I’m not telling you to abuse tequila shots with every meal, however — these agavinas are actually a type of fibre that creates a full feeling, ergo suppressing appetite.
Scientists who conducted this study believe that agavins are a viable light sweetener substitute since, ”they are sugars, highly soluble, have a low glycemic index, and a neutral taste, but most important, they are not metabolised by humans.”
So, next time you get a shot or two, opt for tequila!
Happy Friday everybody!