An unlicensed daycare out of a South Carolina woman’s home faces multiple charges after a child under her care died. But investigators say that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Pamela Clark Wood, 49, was arrested March 6. Police began investigating Wood last month after Greenville County Sheriff’s deputies received a call about an unresponsive 3-month-old baby girl, who later died.

When police went to the house to check on the baby Feb. 21, they allegedly discovered Wood’s teenage daughter hiding in a room with 14 children. Authorities also said they found a child left unsupervised around the house, along with hazards, such as cleaning chemicals and alcoholic beverages, left unsecured.
Deputies said they found two toddlers left by themselves in a room with a loaded revolver within reach. Although Wood has not been charged in the child’s death, she faces charges of child neglect, violation of day care licensing and obstructing justice, according to WYFF.
Officials say unsafe sleeping conditions may have contributed to the death of the baby. “We found some other articles in the basinet with the infant,” Greenville County Coroner Parks Evans told WYFF. Police said 23 children were found on the premises by deputies. Woods’ daycare is registered with the county department of social services, but she is only allowed to have up to six kids in her care, authorities said.
This isn’t the first time Wood has gotten in trouble for having too many children in her care. According to WSPA, Wood was cited for the same infraction about six years ago.