A rotten egg coming your way is not the kind of greeting you’d like to get but unfortunately for Teresa Kok, that’s exactly what she got.
DAP vice-chairman Teresa Kok received a nasty surprise during a talk on Wednesday night, when a stranger handed her a rotten egg. The egg broke when they shook hands and according to Teresa, the man approached her after she had explained her controversial “Onderful Malaysia” Chinese New Year video during the talk in Permatang Pauh and the said man had shook her hand with an egg in his palm.
The rotten egg stained her hands and clothes. In a text message to The Star, Teresa said after the incident, which happened around 11.30pm, she washed her hands and left the site.
“I went back to the hotel right after the incident. The guy walked away and was nabbed by PAS’ Unit Amal and the audience. I don’t know what happened to him,” she said.