Some men seem to think that women have it easy when it comes to online dating. We get all the attention and apparently our chances of meeting someone are higher compared to males.
Reddit user OKCThrowaway2221 felt that way after telling a female friend that it’s easier for a woman to be on a dating site. Feeling bored, he decided to create a fake profile on OKCupid and set it up as a gender-swapped version of himself. Little did he know that he couldn’t even survive two hours after being plagued by other horny males.
He recalls:
Before I could even fill out my profile at all, I already had a message in my inbox from a guy. It wasn’t a mean message, but I found it odd that I would get a message already. So I sent him a friendly hello back and kind of joked that I hadn’t even finished my profile, how could he be interested, but I felt good because I thought I was right that “girls have it easy”.
After not even a few minutes, the fake user receives another couple of messages. Some were neutral conversations, some were “needlessly sexual in nature”.
All of the conversations kind of get weird. One of the guys becomes super aggressive saying he is competitive and he will treat me right, the other is asking for my phone number telling me he is lying in bed and the conversation (without me steering it) is turning increasingly sexual in nature though I tell him I’m not comfortable with it. Then I got the “NoStringsAtttached” messages, with multiple guys sending me messages asking me to watch them cam, or meeting up with them within the hour, or talk with them on the phone or cyber. I would say no and they usually didn’t take it too well.
The messages received soon become sexually aggressive to the point that even “seemingly nice dudes in quite esteemed careers” were hoping to hook up in 24 hours and were demanding for nude photos.
This was when the Reddit user realizes that online dating had different pressures on both men and women. And as a 4chan user who is no stranger to internet trolls, realizing how women get treated on OKCupid made him “really uncomfortable with everything”.
I would be lying if I said it didn’t get to me. I thought it would be some fun thing, something where I would do it and worse case scenario say “lol I was a guy I trolle you lulz”etc. but within a 2 hour span it got me really down and I was feeling really uncomfortable with everything. I figured I would get some weird messages here and there, but what I got was an onslaught of people who were, within minutes of saying hello, saying things that made me as a dude who spends most of his time on 4chan uneasy. I ended up deleting my profile at the end of 2 hours and kind of went about the rest of my night with a very bad taste in my mouth.
OKCThrowaway2221 could only handle two hours as a woman on OKCupid, and he now knows that women really don’t have it easy on dating sites. But you can say that we’re quite good at ignoring sexually-aggressive messages because a majority of the guys on there are looking for a one-off session to ‘jack it’.
Recently, a Cracked writer created a fake profile as “the Worst Woman on Earth”, and still found her OKCupid inbox swarming with messages. Read the full story here.