What’s one must-have for a wholesome breakfast? Eggs, of course! Besides being an excellent source of protein, eggs are a good choice for a healthy and balanced diet. Apart from protein, eggs also contain tons of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, good fats and various nutrients which are good for us. What we love most about eggs is that they are an extremely versatile ingredient that can be cooked and be eaten in endless ways. That’s right, whatever floats your boat, my friend! Here are six different ways you can have your eggs.

1. Scrambled – Scrambled eggs are really easy to prepare, but you’ll be surprised to know that many people are doing it wrong. They then end up with hard, separated bits of egg, which looks and tastes more like a fried egg, chopped up into tiny pieces. Here’s how to make perfect, soft and fluffy scrambled eggs.
In a large bowl, crack three eggs and whisk with a fork. Do not add salt and pepper just yet as this will alter the texture of your scrambled eggs. In a non-stick pan, melt some butter and over very low heat, pour your egg mixture in. Immediately, use a pair of wooden chopsticks to swirl around the egg mixture so that it doesn’t set onto the surface of the pan. By doing this, you’re allowing the eggs to cook very slowly. Keep swirling your chopsticks around the eggs as they harden, until soft, fluffy peaks are formed. Use a spatula to toss the scrambled eggs for 30 seconds and then scoop it out onto a plate. Season with salt and pepper, then serve.

2. Sunny side up – This is one of the most basic method of cooking eggs and you don’t have to be a culinary chef to master sunny side up eggs. In a non-stick pan, melt some butter and over medium heat, break an egg onto the pan. The key to a perfect sunny side up egg is not to touch it while it is cooking slowly. When the yolk holds its shape after you tilt the pan a little and the whites are opaque in colour, you can then serve the egg.

3. Omelette – For those who like a light breakfast, an omelette is all you really need to satiate your tummy. Also, you can have it however you like. You could add a bunch of different ingredients to your omelette, and a few of the most common ingredients are cheese, mushrooms, tomato, onions, bell peppers, bacon and parsley.
To make a basic omelette, crack three eggs into a bowl and whisk with a fork. In a non-stick pan, melt some butter and over low heat, pour the egg mixture in. Using the same method we’ve taught you for the scrambled eggs, use your chopsticks to swirl the egg mixture around the pan, except, this time, only do it for the first 30 seconds, then let it set onto the pan. Once the bottom of the egg has solidified a little, use a spatula to flip one half of the egg onto the other half to complete your omelette. Let it sit on the pan for another 15 seconds, then serve it immediately after seasoning it with salt and pepper.

4. Boiled with runny yolk – If you dislike the texture of a fully cooked egg yolk, you’ll dig this! This kind of boiled egg is commonly served with a bowl of Japanese ramen and people love it because of its tender whites and surprise centre. You can serve it with a bowl of noodles, on top of some toast or even eat it on its own with some soy sauce and pepper.
To make a boiled egg with a runny yolk, bring a pot of water to a boil and add one tablespoon of white vinegar. Place the desired number of eggs into the pot. Let the eggs sit for exactly six minutes, then immediately transfer the eggs into a bowl of ice water. Once the eggs have cooled, carefully peel the shells and serve.

5. Baked – Although baked eggs are a little more time consuming to make, it’s absolutely satisfying and combined with other ingredients, it is a comfort food that also serves as a great hangover cure. Again, this is really versatile and you can add whatever ingredients you prefer to your baked eggs. We’ll teach you how to make one with bacon, spinach and cheese.
Firstly, preheat your oven to 180°C and butter your ramekin or dish. Line the base and sides of the dish with slices of bacon. Place your spinach in a bowl and microwave on high for 1 minute until wilted. Drain the liquid and transfer the spinach into the dish. Top all of it off with shavings of parmesan cheese. Then, crack an egg into the dish gently and season with salt and pepper. Bake for 16 minutes or until your egg white has just set. Remove from the oven, let it stand for 2 minutes and then serve.

6. Mashed – This reminds us so much of our childhood and the yummy homemade egg sandwiches our mothers used to prepare for us before we head to school. Mashed eggs can be used as a spread for sandwiches, and it can also be used to top off a healthy salad.
For the perfect mashed eggs, boil 6 eggs for about 10 minutes until they are fully cooked. Peel all the eggs, put them in a large bowl and start mashing with a fork or a potato masher. You shouldn’t mash everything into a paste and it should still have bigger chunks of egg in it. When you’re happy with the texture of your mashed eggs, season it with a generous amount of salt and pepper. Then, add two tablespoons of mayonnaise into your mash and mix it well. Store it in a container and keep it refrigerated for half an hour before use. Consume within three days.