Some of us germ freaks find it hard to go on with our day without a bottle of hand sanitizer. But, did you know that this germ-killing potion can do much more than just keep your grimy hands clean? Here are 10 other things hand sanitizer can do for you!
1. Pimple treatment cream
A bottle of hand sanitizer is specifically made for cleansing and has the ability to eliminate bacteria in a matter of seconds. Instead of spending extra cash on pimple gel, you can use the hand sanitizer in your purse and rub a tiny dollop of it on your acne.
2. Phone screen cleaner
Our smartphones are really not the cleanest things in the world and we should all sanitize the screens at least once a week. It’s nearly impossible to know just how much bacteria it harbours, and your phone comes in contact with your face! At the end of each week, squirt some hand sanitizer onto a paper towel and clean that yucky phone screen. Say goodbye to potential zits!
3. Toilet seat cleaner
Whenever we have to make a trip to the public restroom, we cringe in disgust thinking about all those footprints on the toilet seat and whatever bacteria that has made that seat its habitat. Hand sanitizer may not remove all traces of bacteria from the seat, but it’s probably enough to help you feel more secure. Just grab some tissues, squirt a fair amount of sanitizer on the seat, and start wiping. Repeat if you’re not convinced it’s clean.
4. Temporary deodorant
If you don’t like using deodorant but still want a remedy to eliminate the stink coming from your pits, just rub a drop or two of hand sanitizer on your armpits. There’s no scientific answer to why it helps eliminate the stink, but it’s possibly due to the strong alcohol content that kills the bacteria, which then reduces the odour.

5. Makeup brush cleaner
Washing your makeup brushes on a weekly basis is good practice to avoid infections and acne from developing on your skin. But running these brushes under water requires a longer time for them to dry, and when you’re in a hurry, there’s really no time for that. Hand sanitizer’s a quick alternative to get rid of the remnants of your makeup products and germs. Just squeeze a dollop on a cotton pad or towel, and wipe your brushes gently.
6. Spectacles cleaner
Your glasses need cleaning, especially the parts that sit on your face! The frames, bridge and temples of your spectacles generally come in close contact with your skin. If it’s not clean, you’ll start seeing some imperfections forming around that part of your face! So, clean your glasses as often as you can with hand sanitizer if you don’t want to run it under water.
7. Glue remover
Do you get gross sticky residue left behind on your books from the price tag? Just add a drop of hand sanitizer on the glue, and rub it off gently with a cloth.
8. Stain remover
Got a nasty stain on your brand new top? Instead of tossing it aside, just blot the stain with some hand sanitizer, soak it and then wash as you normally would. If you’re worried about it affecting the fabric, test it on a small patch that’s not very visible.
9. Stopping cuts from bleeding
If you happen to have a tiny cut on your hand and it’s bleeding profusely but no plasters are in sight, just apply a small dab of hand sanitizer on the cut with a Q-tip. It will sting for a bit, but it will disinfect the wound temporarily and stop the bleeding.
10. Temporary frizz tamer
Got frizz or flyaways getting on your nerves during an important photo op? If you don’t have hairspray, squirt a small drop of hand sanitizer in your hands, then smooth it over your hair while it’s damp.