It’s normal to gain some extra pounds over the holiday season, but you can start including 40-minute workout sessions that can get you motivated to pursue your 2014 workout goals. When you have some time off, try out these holiday exercises to avoid packing on those unnecessary pounds!

Warm-Up and Jump
Start off with simple warm-up exercises like stretching. After a quick warm-up, get your heart pumping with 2 minutes worth of jumping jacks.

The Side Lunge
Stand up straight while holding 5-pound dumbbells in each arm. First, step your left leg out to the side and bend your knee to 90 degrees which reaching your hands down on either side of your left foot. Push your left foot back into standing position and repeat with opposite leg. Do 24 reps in total.

Line Hops
No time for a jog outside? Just grab a ruler, rope or string and lay it out on the ground. Step or just hop each side of the rope for 5 minutes. Give your arms a good workout with an air punch when you reach each side.

One-leg Pelvic Raises
Give your butt and thighs a workout with these pelvic raises. Lie on your back with your arms by your sides. Bend a knee to 90 degrees, and with your foot flat on the ground, life the other leg off the ground. The back of your hands should be facing the ground. Raise your body off the ground and squeeze your glutes together. Squeeze for 5 seconds, relax and slowly lower your body back onto the ground. Repeat 8 times on each leg.

Burpee/Squat Thrusts
Burpees, when done consistently over several minutes can help you shed off the weight throughout your entire body – from arms to butt, to your belly. Start in a standing position and then drop into a squat position with your hands on the ground. Kick your feet back, and with your arms extended, return your feet to squat position, and stand up.

The Twisted Sit-Up
Lie back with your knees bent. Carry a 5-pound dumbbell in your right hand and lift it so the weight is over your shoulder. As you bend your right elbow, let your knees tilt over to the left. The dumbbell should reach the floor or as close your bust allows you to. Straighten your right arm and while lifting your hips and legs. Lower down gently and repeat 12 times each side.