Love to eat but don’t want to pack on the extra pounds? So do we, and every other regular human being for that matter. When we’re residing in country that’s got so much tantalizing food to offer, it can be quite impossible to resist from indulging. Having said that, we should always pig out in moderation and still eat healthily. To help you with all that indulging, we’ve listed down 10 healthy foods that would help to burn the fat stored in your system quicker and more effectively.
Almonds – Almonds are filled with protein, fibre and healthy fat so eating almonds can help you lose weight by stabilizing blood sugar and warding off hunger. Always have some almonds in your bag for a pick me up!
Honey – This natural sweetener is known for reducing weight gain and body fat when substituted with sugar. Its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties will also give you a wide range of health benefits.
Apples – An apple or two per day keeps the extra weight away by limiting the amount of fat your cells absorb into your system. Apples are also high in fibre, which keeps you feeling full. If you eat an apple 30 minutes before a meal, you’ll consume lesser calories later!
Oats – Oats are a whole grain that is high in soluble fibre, so they reduce cholesterol and blood fat. Having a bowl of oats for breakfast daily will also help you to keep your calorie intake in check because they have a tremendous power to keep you feeling full for longer.
Chilli peppers – Chilli peppers are wonder foods that are filled with compounds called capsaicin, which gives your metabolism an extra calorie-burning push. Don’t forget to give your food some added spice the next time round!
Avocados – The fat in avocados are triple-fat burners and this means that it enables cells to activate your fat-burning hormones to work in your body. It also turns off your body’s fat storage hormones and boosts metabolism. Time for some nachos and guacamole!
Broccoli – Compared to other veggies, broccoli is one of the easiest to chow down, even if you’re not a veggie person. Broccoli also contains phytonutrient sulforaphane, which stimulates an enzyme that sends a message to your fat cells to burn the fat contained in your body.
Cinnamon – Cinnamon has the power to metabolize the sugar content in your body which helps you to burn fat fast and also reduces cholesterol levels. So, sprinkle a little cinnamon on your bowl of favourite cereal, or flavour your hot chocolate with it.
Salmon – The Omega-3s in this fish will help to improve insulin sensitivity in your body, which in turn, shrinks fat from your waistline. Not only is salmon delicious, it also gives you a faster metabolism rate which is a definite plus!
Eggs – Replace your heavy carb-loaded breakfasts with two eggs every morning because this would help you lose weight quicker. Not only that, eggs are also a nutritional powerhouse and this means that it would give you the bang of energy you need to start your day off.