Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned…or like a woman whose relationship has been destroyed by a third party.
“Putting the ho in homewrecker”, ShesAHomewrecker.com is a website that allows wives and girlfriends to expose the woman your husband has been getting a little too close with. According to the site’s ‘About’ page:
Shesahomewrecker.com is exposing everyone from the Hollywood Homewrecker to the average white picket fence destroying women who just can’t seem to let go of your husbands and boyfriends!
Each post on the website discloses the full name and pictures of the alleged mistress. Commenters sometimes lend a hand by providing further details about the mistress too, such as addresses or some even go to the extend of finding out their occupation details. A lot of the women featured are referred to as “skanky”, “homewrecking sluts”, and “crazy whores”. The site also has a Facebook page with over 240,000 fans, where women who suspect their partners of cheating seek advice and justify retaliating.

ShesAHomewrecker.com was founded by a woman named Ariella Alexander who owns a personal blog called “I’m in Love with a Serial Cheater”. In her blog, Alexandra writes about her husband and his mistress, Nicki.
This website encourages fury towards the “other woman”, and not the male partner who decided to cheat in the first place – making the site feel mean-spirited. Slut-shaming and public-shaming are one of the many talked-about topics among women’s affairs these days, and we can’t help but notice that this site crosses the line of public-shaming.

Sometime in June, a woman named Steph Strayer took a picture of a man seated behind her on a train, who allegedly bragged about cheating on his wife. She then uploaded the picture of him on Facebook with the caption: “If this is your husband, I have endured a 2 hour train ride from Philadelphia listening to this loser and his friends brag about their multiple affairs and how their wives are too stupid to catch on”.
The post immediately went viral, but netizens also started to question whether it is right to publicly shame a stranger over the internet.
Sadly, the website doesn’t really feel the same way. To them, it’s legal because according to the disclaimer:
All posts and comments on Shesahomewrecker.com represent the opinions of the original poster and are not endorsed, approved or representations of the opinions of Shesahomewrecker.com or its owners.
So whenever a commenter leaves a nasty comment and could get sued, Shesahomewrecker will not be involved.
Is it fair that the “other woman” gets called out for her wrong-doing over the internet and publicly shamed? And what about the men? Share your thoughts in our comment section.