Is your partner cheating on you? Sometimes women can go overboard with their suspicions but then again, you can’t help but listen to your intuitions when you feel that something’s not right with your man. Here are some common warning signs that your partner may be seeing someone else.

He starts dressing up
You’ve been complaining to him about his messy, unkempt hairstyles and outdated outfits over the years during your relationship. But now, he is making an effort to look better and doesn’t bother to tell you about his sudden interest in menswear fashion. He might be doing this to impress another girl.

His phone is his new best friend
This is easily a tell-tale sign that he’s got someone else on his mind if his phone is always with him. If he sleeps with his phone under the pillow, brings his phone to the shower or won’t even let you touch his phone, then it’s quite likely that cheating on you! Why would anyone want to hide the kind of e-mails or texts they are receiving?

He starts dropping his mistress’ name every now and then
According to Marilyn Stowe, U.K.’s top divorce lawyer, men will subconsciously compare her with you and start mentioning her name once in a while. It gives them the feeling of power: “I’m so clever/powerful that I can drop the name of my mistress into conversation and not get found out.” He may use a fake title and refer to her as his friend, aunt, or colleague. If you’re starting to see that he’s constantly bringing up this new woman in his life, you may need to keep an eye on him.

He has unpredictable mood swings
Talking to him lately seems to you as if you’re dealing with a ticking time bomb. If he gets angry suddenly and stops talking to you, then it might be a sign that he’s no longer interested in spending time with you.

He says no to sex
When a man stops being intimate with his partner, it’s a huge warning that he’s no longer interested in you. This could be caused by his attraction to another woman.
Always remember that most cheaters don’t want to be discovered because they want the best of both worlds. Those who are willing to be with more than one woman will give equal amount of attention to both of his lovers, and the tell-tale signs that we mentioned above are also similar to men who are dealing with depression or stress, or who are thinking of a break up. The best solution at the end of the day, if you think that your partner is cheating on you, is to confront him. At the end of the day, a relationship between two people shouldn’t cause you sleepless nights and feelings of guilt.