One of the many reasons why a lot of people find it hard to lose weight is that it’s generally all in the mind. We all make so many excuses when it comes to getting active, even though we know just how important it is to exercise and eat healthy. Could it be stubbornness? Sheer lack of regard for the importance of healthy living? Poor self-esteem? Whatever it is, these excuses don’t really have any power to stop you from reaching your weight-loss goals.
Yes, the journey is indeed a tough one, but that doesn’t really matter when you believe in yourself. Here are the most common weight-loss excuses we tell ourselves; and some motivation to beat them!
1. “I don’t have time”
You’re not the only one who wishes that there was more than 24 hours in a day, but that’s what time management is all about. Find a way to make the time for at least 30-minute workout every few days. You can start by cutting down on your TV hours, or even better – kill two birds with one stone by working out while you watch TV!
2. “The gym’s too expensive”
Gym memberships can cost quite a bit when you’re on a tight budget, but you’re not only going to get a fulfilling workout at the gym. There are many public parks in Klang Valley like in Taman Paramount, Taman Jaya; and even the pristine KLCC Park! If you’re more adventurous, go hiking in one of Klang Valley’s most beautiful nature trails! Brisk walk, stroll, run or hike, you can always invite your friends to join you and forget it’s even exercise!
3. “Eating healthy costs too much”
It’s true – good food is never cheap, but cutting your regular quantity in half is already a healthier option that won’t your bank. If your food vendor is willing to give you a discount for choosing to consume less – well, make use of that!
4. “It’s hard and exhausting”
It’s inevitable that the road to weight-loss can be a tough, but being able to overcome those obstacles only makes you stronger. Instead of drastically altering your eating habits, work your way up gradually. Opt for lean meat, change your cooking methods to healthier alternatives and stock your fridge up with plenty of fruits so you can snack healthy! As for your workout – choose something that you will enjoy. If you’re bold and daring, why not try a pole-dancing or adult ballet class? Get your friends to join you too, as moral support is the most important aspect when it comes to weight-loss.
5. “I don’t like people watching me exercise”
You’re not the only one to tell live with that excuse, but we all have to get out of our comfort zone eventually. Start by doing exercises in the comfort of your own home, and when you feel more confident, head outside and get acquainted with the world around you. Yoga’s known for helping you feel confident about your personality and body, so start with yoga at home; followed by some easy yet effective card!
6. “I have a medical condition”
Having a certain medical condition can be tough to work around, but that’s when you seek the help of a doctor to devise a workout plan just for you. Even so, a 30-minute walk in the park won’t do much harm unless if you’re actually sick.
7. “I’m afraid people will point and laugh at me”
The world can be a cruel place, but this is your chance to prove the world wrong about the things you’re capable of. Hate it or not, people always seem to have a negative perspective about fat or overweight people. Use this opportunity to let people know that everyone’s capable of taking care of themselves, no matter what they look like. But while you do this, don’t forget to love your body no matter what condition it is in!
8. “I can’t control myself”
Unless if you’re an emotional eater, controlling your food intake or trying to resist taking that slice of moist chocolate cake isn’t as hard as you think. Of course it’s okay to indulge once in a while since that little reward can actually help you work harder; but if you’re determined to cut the bad stuff out of diet, always remind yourself of how it can affect your weight-loss goals. A little guilt-trip helps, but another way of thinking would be: I’ve already gotten this far. Should I turn back?
Disclaimer: Before you start your weight-loss regime, always seek the assistance of your physician for further consultation.