Some of us live according to rigid schedules that sometimes makes us feel unhappy with our lives. We call it hard work, but some people see it as being “disconnected”, or “taking life too seriously”. Unfortunately, that’s just something we live by to get ahead in life and to attain the success we want for ourselves. When we focus so hard to being the best, we sometimes forget the real essence of life – happiness. There are many tips to achieving happiness, but they work different for everyone; so we’ve decided to simplify it, and work with the regular things every woman has – vices.
Vices are basically little acts of sin that we’re guilty of doing. They all range in different levels of the common ones we commit include smoking, overeating, not exercising, etc. Although vices are in fact bad, they do make life a little more interesting – and we are only human after all. Vices are construed as negative habits in life, but there’s always a way to make it work for you that it actually becomes a virtue!
Here are five simple vices that women should have that should make a positive impact in your lives.
1. Have a lazy day once a week
Have you been spending too many hours in the office? Are you cranky from the lack of sleep you’ve been getting? If that’s the case, it’s time to embrace the inner lazy-bum in you! Take a day off, or utilize your weekend to do nothing at all. Have a “bed day” by sitting in bed to watch your favorite shows in your comfy pajamas. If that’s too much for you, take a slow walk outside and just really embrace the fact that you have nothing to do today, and that’s okay! A day of resting like this should put you in a state of relaxation, so you’re bound to have a more positive outlook on things.
2. Indulge in your favorite food once a while
We are often meticulous about the food we eat, especially when we think we need to lose weight. When things just feel like they’re getting to you, it’s okay to eat your emotions away (and be mindful of the consequences, of course). Spend an entire day indulging in the things you enjoy the most – whether it’s ice cream, cookies, or even a plate of pasta if you’ve been craving all week. You may be left with a food coma, but it’ll be worth it!
3. Spend a wild night out with your girlfriends
When you grow up, you start to grow out of wanting to have wild nights with your friends. But as much as you want to make space of rest and relaxation, it pays off to get out of your comfort zone and have a jolly good time! Put on your good heels, best dress, favorite lipstick and just paint the town red!
4. Embrace your true self
It’s admirable to have a can-do attitude and the urge to make everything perfect. For days when you’ve overslept, or simply feeling down, forget primping yourself and just let everything go for a while. We’re so caught up with the pressures of how we’re supposed to look and groom ourselves, and let’s face it – it’s tough, and it’s often never good enough. Forget the world for one day, and just let your true self appear. Crazy hair, and all!
5. Increase the number of times you have sex
Forget everything you know about sex taboos; sex is good for you! Sex gets your blood and hormones flowing, it makes you feel good – both physically and mentally. Other than that, sex allows you to get in touch with your feminity – a big challenge for a lot of women!
Here are more tips to living a fuller life:
9 Things You Should Do When You’re Depressed