The muffin top went from the yummiest part of the muffin or a cupcake, to one of the most despised body part. The muffin top is basically an extra love handle that appears when you put on a pair of jeans or pants.They’ve been known to be extremely unappealing, but before you step out to the mall to buy yourself a new pair of jeans, here are a few workouts to help you banish the side baggage for good (until it comes back, at least).

1. The Side Step
Get into push-up position with your feet side-to-side, wide. Then, bring your left knee up and across to your right elbow. Return your left leg to the floor, and bring your right foot back in, and returning back to the push-up position. Repeat 10 reps on each side. This workout tones your butt, arms, and most importantly – your tummy area.

2. The Elbow Crossover
This is a classic workout you can do at home. Start by standing on your feet hip-width apart, placing your hands behind your head and elbows wide to sides. Lift your left knee, and twist and lower your right elbow to meet the knee. Do 20 reps on each side, and don’t forget to put on some upbeat dance music to make it fun!
3. The Twisted Sit-Up
This may be hard for those of you who don’t often do sit-ups, but they’ll work your abdominal muscles and core. Lie flat on your back with your hands behind your head, and your knees bent. Bring your upper body up and twist slightly at the waist so your left elbow touches your right knee. Return back to the ground, and repeat.

4. Trophy Squats
Squats are great for sculpting the whole body. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, holding then ends of one dumbbell on each hand. As you lower your body to squat, lift your arms up over your head, as if your dumbbells are your trophies. Lower your arms, and return to position. Repeat up to 20 reps.

5. Planking
Lay flat on your stomach, with your feet flat against the wall. Get up on your elbows and keep your neck straight. Then lift your body up only and focus on the strength of your toes and forearms. The trick is practice, but tighten your belly muscles and breathe. Stay in this position for about 5 to 10 seconds if you’re a beginner. Repeat 10 reps and work your way up.