Mr. Ziona Chana is a man ‘blessed’ with a big family. And when we say ‘big family’, the man is married to 39 women, and have 94 children, 33 grandkids and 14-daughters-in-law. When you whip out the calculator, that’s a family of 181 ( and most probably counting).
Ziona and his family live in 100-room, four storey house in the hills of Baktwang village in the Indian state of Mizoram. His wives sleep in giant communal dormitories.
You can say the family has similarities to the Von Trap family. The family is organized with almost military discipline, where the oldest wife Zathiangi organizes her fellow partners to perform household chores like cleaning, washing, and preparing meals. In one evening, the ladies pluck 30 chickens, peel 132 pounds of potatoes and boil up to 220 pounds of rice.

“I feel like God’s special child. He’s given me so many people to look after. I consider myself lucky to be the husband of 39 women and head of the world’s largest family,” Chana said.
Chana has married 10 women in one year, and still enjoys his own double bed while his wives make do with communal dormitories. He keeps the youngest women near his bedroom, while the older members of the family sleep further away. There’s even a rotation system for who visits Chana’s bedroom at night.

According to one of his wives, the family system is based on ‘mutual love and respect’. Chana belongs to a sect that allows members to have as many wives as the please.