We’ve all been guilty of not washing our make-up off when you’ve had a glass of wine too many. In fact, some would even cheer for themselves for successfully taking their shoes off and then high-five themselves before crashing. Not saying who..but THIS GIRL! *points at self*
Waking up to a face full of smudged make-up is gross, and they’re even harder to get rid off. A night of sleeping with your make-up on can already put your skin at risk of irritation, break-outs and slight premature aging, but what happens when you don’t do it for a whole month?
Daily Mail Online’s Anna Purgrove took the plunge and slept with her make-up on for a whole month. We curtsy in our imaginative ball-gowns to this woman and praise her for her dedication!
Anna said in the entire month, she only washed her face in the shower each morning. The 40-year-old also didn’t use any of her usual classing creams, and would have to reapply new make-up over the remnants of the old each day.
Here are some of the things she said as she went on with the challenge:
“As weeks progressed, my lips became dry and my skin cracked painfully at the corners of my mouth”.
“I had developed an intense aversion to mascara application and feared I may have done permanent damage to my skin. I had visibly blocked and enlarged pores all over my nose, dry skin across my lips and cheeks and red eyelids. The white cysts had given way to some nasty-looking eyelash dandruff”.
Here are the before-and-after shots of her complexion:-
Things didn’t go quite well for Anna’s skin complexion. As you can see, there are some breakouts, redness, and what might look like rosacea. The lesson here – always wash your face and remove as much make-up as you can off your face. [Source]
Keep some wipes by your bedside so at least you get a chance to cleanse your face while you’re about to fall asleep. Anything to complement a lazy lifestyle, right?
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