If you’re heading out to Sweden anytime soon, be prepared to see some moving “spiders” when you’re out on the beach.
The Swedish court has ruled that it’s “okay” for people to masturbate in public. When a man was acquitted arrested for masturbating close to the water of Drevviken beach near Stockholm. He was cragged with sexual assault, but the prosecutor said it’s “okay” to play with yourself in public, as long as you’re not targeting a specific person.
Public prosecutor Olof Vrethammar said: ” For this to be a criminal offense it’s required that the sexual molestation was directed towards one of more people. I think the court’s judgement is reasonable”.
The Sodertorn District Court acquitted the 65-year-old man, but added that no offense had been committed as the masturbating man was not pleasuring himself towards a specific person.
Vrethammar continued: “The district court has made a judgement on this case. With that we can conclude that it is okay to masturbate on the beach. The act may be considered to be disorderly conduct.”