One of the most terrifying things about being a relationship is finding out that your better half is solely attracted to men. That or you find out that you turned your ex-boyfriend gay! While honesty may just be the best policy, it’s still not a bad idea to just observe his “quirks” before having a diplomatic conversation. So have a look at these 8 signs before you make any assumptions in your head!
1. He spends a lot of time in front of the mirror
Although it may seem stereotypical, and you could just be mistaking him for being metrosexual – but if he pulls the “I’d rather be dead than to be caught wearing those gross sneakers” on you, you’ve just nailed deal breaker number one. That or he really knows his sense of style.
2. His idols and role models are quite glamorous
Yet again a stereotypical sign, but it still can be considered an obvious sign. If your man loves, loves, loves his divas, can quote Beyonce like a professor and can tell you everything about the it-hunk of the season, you can skip buying 6-packs and start stocking up on champagne.
3. He likes most of the shows that you find “guilty pleasures”
“Stereotypical female programs” are something you can passionately discuss with a gay friend. If you find yourself debating or having very intense conversations about who’s the b*tchiest on America’s Next Top Model, that’s a strike.
4. His eyes venture
Guys will be guys. They’ll ogle at anyone they find attractive, but in this case, it’ll probably be the shabby backpacker in tight bermudas, the waiter, the group of well-dressed “bros” sitting by the balcony of the bar.
5. You’ve actually asked yourself if he’s gay
Have you asked yourself the question? If you have, it’s already an indication that you’re questioning his sexuality.
6. He is or seems uncomfortable engaging in sex
Does he often seen a little agitated when you both get intimate, or even when you’re trying to talk about sex? If you notice he seems very unclear about the act or his moves seem like they’re straight out of a magazine advice column, it could already justify a reason why you should have “the talk”.
7. He’s very much into equal rights
If your boyfriend keeps himself updated on the latest news about equal rights around the world, and thoroughly enjoys the work of philosophers who discuss sexuality, it’s a good sign he’s taken an interest in being comfortable with himself and sexuality. Then again, it could also be that he’s straight and very interested in issues like this, but hey – who knows?
8. He showers you with praises that don’t seem something you’d hear off an Average Joe
When you whine about your body hang-ups, he turns it all around in a different way. He could be jokingly blunt about it, or really go on about inner beauty and all the stuff that’s about being beautiful on the inside.