A recent study shows that men with smaller testicles are bound to be more caregiving fathers.
The study, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, noted that smaller testes and lower testosterone levels was linked to more nurturing-related brain activity in fathers. Higher testosterone levels correlated with divorce, polygamy and bad attitudes.
According to Mens Fitness:
“The research included 70 biological fathers with small children. Mothers and fathers were interviewed separately about dads’ involvement in direct caregiving, then guys’ testosterone levels were measured. Next, men’s brain activity was measured using functional MRI scans as fathers viewed photos of their own child with happy, sad, and neutral faces, and then similar photos of an unknown child and an unknown adult. Lastly, structural MRI was used to measure testicular volume.”
However, according to study author Jennifer Mascaro, the testes volume is more highly correlated with sperm count and quality than with testosterone levels, so having big balls doesn’t really mean you’re a bad father.
Even though some men may be built differently, perhaps they are willing themselves to be more hands-on fathers,” said James Rilling, an anthropologist at Emory University . “It might be more challenging for some men to do these kinds of caregiving activities, but that by no means excuses them.”
Rilling adds that the environmental influences can also change biology, suggesting that “when men become more involved caregivers, their testes shrink”.
So, new relationship tip – check the package before you settle. *nudge nudge wink wink*