Apart from our face, our hands are the one part of our body that starts to age really fast. This is caused from exposure to the sun, toxic detergents, and just the general use of our hands. After all, we do just about everything with our hands, so it’s only fair that we show it some love and affection.
An old saying goes that you can tell a woman’s age by the look of her hands. Sadly, there’s always a high chance that it’ll age way faster than you face. Here are several tricks to pamper your hands and bring some youth back into them.
1. Use gloves when coming in touch with chemicals
It’s hard to avoid all the harsh chemicals in your shampoo, soap, dish soap, and laundry detergent. Laundry and dish soap are the worst, especially when its de-greasing formula is much stronger. It gets so bad that it can cause the skin around it to peel! If you’re going to do the dishes or the laundry, always wear a pair of gloves to protect your hands.
2. Create your own hand treatment
Glycerine is one of the best ingredients to soften and moisturize your skin without the need of fancy names like placenta or lanolin. Simple combine oatmeal, warm water, olive oil, lemon juice and glycerine into a bowl, and mix it up together. Apply it on your hands and massage it all over for 10 minutes, then wash. You can also leave it on overnight too! Just wipe off the oatmeal and then put on some cotton gloves and go to sleep. Wash your hands in the morning and feel the difference!
3. Use a cuticle oil
One of the many tricks to make your hands look good is to tame those cuticles! A lot of manicurists do not recommend cutting off your cuticles at home, so using a good cuticle treatment is one of the best ways to get that done. You can also push the cuticles back with a cuticle stick, and then apply the oil.
4. Wear a pair of sun-protecting gloves
If you drive a lot in the day time with the sun hitting your face and hands, invest in a pair of driving gloves. Exposure to the sun is one of the factor that contributes to wrinkly hands, and apart from your face, you’re most likely to develop skin cancer from your hands. So protect your hands from the sun and wear a pair of gloves, especially when you drive!
5. Soak hands in warm water
It’s hard to avoid using detergents throughout the day. At night before going to bed, soak your hands in warm water infused with lemon slices. This is to help open the pores in your hands and release all that leftover chemicals in your skin. The acid in the lemon will also help break it down, but at the same time it nourishes your hand with vitamin C!