A low-carb diet is one of the easiest methods to altering your eating habits into something much healthier, without having to go through drastic changes. But the average Malaysian diet is generally rich in carbohydrates, and that makes it even harder for anyone to get through their diet without wanting to give up and gorge on two packets of nasi lemak in the morning.
Here are six great tips to help you achieve your goal of maintaining a low-carb diet without wanting to give up halfway.
1. Set-up Your Kitchen
Your kitchen is where you start when it comes to changing your eating habits. Start by stocking up on low-carb-friendly foods – replace white rice with brown rice or quinoa, swap white bread for whole grain bread, swap your durum wheat pastas for whole-wheat or egg-based pastas. This still allows you to have your fill of carbohydrates without having to worry about the amount of calories you take in. Don’t forget to remove all those temptation like potato chips and French fries off your kitchen.
2. Indulge Once in a While
It’s hard to walk past all those tasty Malaysian dishes, so if you’re really craving it, just have a plate of those noodles you’ve been craving for the whole week. But stick to a smaller portion. At least you know you’ve indulged without overdoing it, so no guilt!
3. Fill-up on Protein
The body requires carbohydrates to supply energy. Protein helps to sustain that energy, so no matter how much carbohydrates you have, a good sum of protein is required to keep you satisfied when you’re on the movie. Stock up on vegetables and meats in your diet when you’re cutting down on carbs. But remember, don’t skip carbohydrates completely as it’ll cause numerous complications.
4. Prepare Snacks
When you’re hungry, the first thing you always want to grab on is something solid, and carbohydrates are the best source. Always prepare little low-fat snacks in your bag to avoid starving and making bad choices when you’re hungry. These could be little whole-wheat crackers, cut-up vegetables or some peanuts.
5. Avoid Starving Yourself
A very important method to stick to a diet is to avoid leaving yourself in excessive hunger. Never starve yourself or eat when you’re starving. You’re more likely to eat more than you require and the chances of making an unhealthy choice will be higher.
6. Distract Yourself
When you keep yourself busy and your mind is focused on different things, it’ll be easier to get through the first few days of carb-absence. Another tip is to eat with your eyes by looking up low-carb recipes on the internet. By shifting your focus on the things you can eat, you won’t feel so challenged when it comes to committing to your diet.
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