DJ Khaled did the unthinkable on television when he whipped out a 10-carat diamond ring and proposed to Nicki Minaj on MTV News cameras! The hit maker had to get a lot off his chest when before he popped the question:
“I’m going to be honest with you; I love you. I like you, I want you, I want you to be mine.”
You’re probably thinking “Is he crazy?”, but that’s for Nicki Minaj to decide, but don’t worry – DJ Khaled will be patient.
“[If] you gotta take your time and think about it, I overstand, but I know I have to be here today to let you know how serious I am and how serious this is to me.” [Source]
What say you, Nicki? Wondering if her immediate expression is:

Watch his proposal right here and have a look at that rock!