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A caller on Singapore’s MediaCorp hotline reports contract the human papillomavirus (HPV), a common sexually-transmitted infection, causing warts on the sole of her feet.
According to sources, she contracted the virus after walking around barefoot. Some of the common effects of a HPV-infection includes genital warts cervical cancer and vaginal bleeding. However, in this woman’s case, the HPV virus is causing warts to form on the sole of her feet.
Doctors say one of the symptoms is the forming of a hard lump. If the lumps form on the soles of the feet, the person may feel pain when pressure is exerted on them.
Dr Lynn Chiam, consultant dermatologist at Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital advised: “Because this virus needs direct contact (for transmission), I would advise that you don’t share shoes and socks (with people) infected with the virus”.
“It can also be easily spread in communal areas and communal showers, and also in the office. I know a lot of people like to kick off their shoes and walk on the carpet. I wouldn’t advise you to do that.”
The moral of the story here? Avoid walking barefoot wherever you go. Ladies, don’t forget to get a pap smear and a HPV vaccination. It could potentially save your life!
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