“Oh hi, you are…?” “I know you! You are….?” Often forgotting names? Not to worry about it, because this is one of the most common memory complaints people have, says psychiatry professor Gary W. Small, M.D., director of the UCLA Longevity Center and author of The Alzheimer’s Prevention Program. It’s not because we cant recall them, it’s because we never stored them properly.
For example, when we start a conversation, “Hi, I’m Jenny” returned with, “Nice to meet you. I’m Alex”. It’s not difficult to remember Jenny and Alex, but the problem is, Jenny is thinking about what she’s going to talk about next, and the name is not set into the memory, so Jenny ends up having no idea has no idea who she just met.
So, how we’re gonna to start remembering the names of people we meet? We have 5 easy tricks for you to remember name.
Listen, not hear
Clear your mind and focus on her, not just think of what’s next. You’d be amazed at how little attention we pay to the person we are meeting. Be present in the moment and listen when your new acquaintance says her name.
Repeat the new name and use it in a sentence
“Alex: Hi, my name is Alex. You: Alex, nice to meet you.”
It’s an excellent way to commit a name to memory is to introduce the person to one or two others. Then, try to use the name two more times before parting.
Ask for the spelling
If the name is not familiar or unique to you, get the spelling to reinforce your understanding and to confirm you have heard the name correctly. Don’t hesitate to ask , people like it when you take an interest in them. They will be happy to repeat their name, which also means you will remember it! Imagine the impression you’ll make when you take the time to truly understand their name, get the pronunciation correct and remember it.
Pick out distinctive features
When you meet someone, spend time looking at their face, and pick out a distinctive feature. Notice a crooked nose, puppy dog eyes, a cleft chin, big ears, yellow teeth etc. If possible, pick out the feature before you’re introduced so you’re not struggling to find one while the person is giving you his name. It can be almost like a word association game!
Associate the name with a famous person
Another way to remember names is to associate them with famous people. If you meet Roger, think of Roger Federer. Although, there’s no point making it clear to them which celebrity you’re linking them too. Some people with unique names may have heard of that celebrity name a thousand times!