Being healthy isn’t about being in the know of the latest health trends and eating nothing but cruciferous vegetables all day. There’s nothing overly complicated about being healthy. In fact, it’s just as simple as making better options in everything you do. Here are ten simple things that you can do just about everyday to be healthier and happier.
1. Hydrate. Drinking water helps to flush out toxins from your body, and also replenishes the oxygen in your bloodstream and water content in your body. Drink up to 2 liters or eight glasses of water a day.
2. Have Fruit and Veggies. Fruits and vegetables give you the recommended dose of vitamins and minerals to prevent diseases and ailments. Have at least four servings of fruits and vegetables a day, and you’ll be sure to have great skin and a healthier body.
3. Eat Well. Do not overeat or under-eat. It’s important to get the right amount of carbs, protein and sugar in your body. To know what your body needs to be healthy, head to the doctor to get a blood test to see if you lack nutrients. This will help you plan your diet better.
4. Exercise. Everyone should exercise at least 30 minutes at minimum, daily. Whether it’s high-impact cardio, dance or walking up the stairs, anything that makes your body sweat is great to release toxins, and even help you remove pesky cellulite from your thighs.
5. Inspect. This might seem a little icky, but did you know that you can tell if anything’s wrong with you just by inspecting your poop? If you’re not convinced, we have doctors to prove it to you in the form of a musical. (Taken from Scrubs)

6. Moisturize Your Skin. One of the tricks to soft, smooth skin is to moisturize with lotion or any body moisturizer. The best moisturizing ingredients happen to be olive oil, cocoa butter and aloe vera. So look out for these key ingredients in your next purchase.
7. Take Vitamins. You can’t always get your dose of vitamins from vegetables as you’ll need to consume a lot in order to get the recommended dose. Taking vitamin supplements are great, especially of you seem to be lacking certain nutrients in your diet. But don’t depend entirely on supplements – only consume them when you know you’ve not had your fill of your recommended dose of vitamins.
8. Kiss. Kissing a serious stress-reliever as it replaces negative feelings with happier moods, and can even help you burn up to 40 calories in a serious 20-minute session. Is this a serious reason to convince you it’s time to find a boyfriend..or a friend with benefits?
9. Laugh. Laughter is the best way to banish any moody and sour feelings you’re going through. Apart from releasing anxiety, laughing can boost your immunity, relaxes your body and goes to the extent of preventing heart disease. Need we convince you why you should laugh more?
10. Listen to Music. A study found that music can help women lose weight as it makes exercise more fun through dance. And while that is true, music can even soothe you. Taiwanese researchers found that listening to jazz before going to bed can help you sleep better. Although that sounds rather true, a little bit of music is perfect anyhow. So make yourself a personal mix for every mood and we guarantee better well-being.