When you’re pregnant, you know its a matter for feed the best to your child (and to you too) – so here are some foods that all pregnant woman should indulge in during their pregnancy.
1. Eggs
Protein, protein, protein. Eggs contain a lot of quality protein which is essential for pregnancy and in addition to that, it also contain more than 12 vitamins and minerals. The baby’s cell growth is rapid, and each cell is made of protein. It also promotes the overall brother and brain health or your baby while preventing neural tube defects. Eggs contain omega-3 fats, which is important for brain and vision development.
2. Salmon
Salmon is known for containing high-quality protein with a good source of omega-3 fats. It is low on amount of methymercury which is a compound that can be harmful to your baby. But, none the less, it is recommended that you no more than 12 ounces of salmon per week – this is too avoid ingesting too much mercury.
3. Walnuts
If you don’t like fish or eggs, but still want to get enough omega-3? Then try walnuts as they are one of the richest sources of plant-based omega-3s. A handful of walnuts is a great choice for an on-the-run snack or even to be added to a salad. 4. Lean Meat
4. Lean Meat
Meat is high in iron, which is a critical component of red blood cells. Not only does your baby need iron to develop but you need it for your benefit too, since blood volume can increase by as much as 50% when you are pregnant (which is why anemia during pregnancy is so common).
5. Colorful fruits and veggies
You have to make sure to load up on your vegetables and fruits. Anything green, yellow, orange, or red… smoothies and juices included! Colourful produce is packed with all kinds of good-for-you phytochemicals, especially beta-carotene. The body converts it into vitamin A, which is critical fo the development of your baby’s eyes, skin, bones and ofcourse, organs.
One of the most important nutrients a pregnant woman must have is a B vitamin called folic acid, and lentils are packed with it. It has a powerful protective effect against neural-tube defects. Most cereals, pasta, bread and rice products are now fortified.
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