Musicians don’t always have it easy. Think about – these people create music for you to enjoy, they set out tour to performing these songs which include an entire stage set up of movement and dancing. It’s not just one day and it’s over – sometimes these musician perform for months with a little rest dates in between.
With all that said, we know they can’t always get it 100% on stage. There will be mistakes…. and there have been a few already. We’re taking a look at the some the lip-sync disasters that have occurred in the world of Hollywood and music.
1. 50 Cent
Known as on of the ‘tough-guys’ in the hip-hop industry, 50 Cent found a way to look beyond silly at one of his performances at the BET awards back in 2007. Having been shot multiple times, you would’ve thought that he at least knew the lyrics to his own songs – but apparently not. During his performances, he spent a huge chunk of it in silence! That’s right. Walking around as if he was ‘playing’ it cool – but after a good 6 seconds, you realize that he really just doesn’t know the lyrics and that his pre-recorded track was jammed up. The rapper’s cover was completely blown as he missed his cue more than 4 times. But then again, it’s 50 Cent and there is no shame in his game.

2. Justin Bieber
He may be the hottest thing on the Billboard charts – but the Beibs has his flaws too. He appeared on The Today Show to perform a rendition of “Santa Claus Is Coming To Town,” which is featured on the soundtrack to the movie, Arthur Christmas. But half way through his performance, it seems as though Justin forgot the lyrics to the song. He got the opening part of the song just about right, but when the second part of the song came running through… he didn’t exactly nail it. It starts at 1:00, so take a look and see for yourself.

3. Ashlee Simpson
This is the infamous SNL lip sync of that decade. On the 23rd of October 2004, Ashlee was set to perform both Pieces of Me” and “Autobiography” on Saturday Night Live (SNL) – but as she started to sing “Autobiography,” the lyrics for “Pieces of You” were heard before she even got the microphone to her mouth. So in other words, she was caught absolutely red-handed. At the end of the entire show, Ashelee later explained that due to a sever acid relux, he doctor told her to take it easy on the singing – hence the lip syncing…. do you think that’s true? Maybe.

4. Christina Aguilera
Back in 2011, Xtina got herself in a little trouble as she had to sing the National Anthem… and messed it up pretty badly. The line “O’er the ramparts we watch” mysteriously vanished from the song when she sang it. After this incident, she told CNN, “I got so caught up in the moment of the song that I lost my place. I can only hope that everyone could feel my love for this country and that the true spirit of its anthem still came through.” – Well, we’re pretty sure this kind of mistake can happen to anymore.

5. Miley Cyrus
Miley oh Miley got herself in a little lyrical slip when she appeared on the British TV show, Saturday Night Takeaway back in 2009. Singing her then hit track, “Fly On the Wall” – she starts of with full confidence, and then suddenly forgets the lyrics to her own song. If you don’t believe us, watch her performance from 17 seconds onwards.

6. Britney Spears
When it comes to all these pop princesses, there’s no avoiding a lip-syncing moment. Especially with artists like Britney Spears who goes all out on the dancing and singing at the same time? Do you think that’s physically possible without tiring you out? Well, during Britney’s Australian tour, back in 2009 she was caught lip-syncing and her fans litterally walked out of her performance. It wasn’t exactly a ‘secret’ that she lip synced, but it was probably still something pretty disappointing to the audience.

Who do you think had the most horrible lip-syncing flop? Tell us!