Having good health could mean wealth, but all-in-all, being able to live strong, healthy with your friends and family! To seize the moment, don’t forget to do these six things right away!
1. Monitoring Your Diet
Start watching your diet and cutting down on your junk food and high calorie foods. Schedule an appointment with a dietician to see how you can improve your intake of nutrients. Stay away from canned food products as they are filled with preservatives which can potentially harm the health of your stomach and kidney.
2. Increase Your Calcium Intake
Women are four times more likely than men to develop osteoporosis, and it could possibly strike at any age. Women generally fall short of their daily allowance of calcium, so start consuming two glasses of high calcium milk a day, or if you’re lactose intolerant, start by consuming non-dairy products that are high in calcium like kale, oranges and oatmeal.
3. Eat More Superfoods
Women require greater amounts of a lot of nutrients as our bodies are prone to more changes like pregnancy, menstruation and menopause, which means a larger nutritional demand.
Keep your the health of your heart and body in check with nutrients and minerals like protein, iron and probiotics. Seven important nutrients for women.
4. Get a Mammagram
Breast health is crucial and knowing how common it is for anyone to be diagnosed with breast cancer, it’s great to start taking preventive measures to maintain ‘shelf-life’. Mammograms should be done at least once a year, so regular check-ups can help you understand the risk factors that will help you make changes in your lifestyle.
5. Go on a Retreat
A little R&R is important to keep your sanity in check. Women have strong roles in life, especially if you’re a mother. When you have work and mouths to feed on your mind, you end up with little or no time for yourself. You deserve a break, and you know it! So take a weekend off and go somewhere quiet and secluded with your best friends or your spouse. If you don’t have time for that in your schedule, go to your nearest spa and get yourself pampered from head to toe!
6. Get a Pap Smear
Specialists recommend that women should have a Pap smear every two years after the age of 21. Pap Smears can help you manage the health of your uterus, and even detect cervical cancer. You shouldn’t have to feel embarrassed about getting one because it’s natural, and it’s better to know that you’re healthy on the inside that to shun any medical help.