Remember when your mother would tell you stop slouching because it’s unattractive? Well, as much as you hated when she would say that, the truth is having good posture helps give you the illusion of looking taller, the appearance of an ample bust line and can even enhance your confidence. No, we’re not going to have to stand straight while balancing books on your head, but we’ve got some simple tips that will make you look good and in the long run, keep you from getting any back problems that could damage your spine.
Be Aware of Your Posture
It’s hard to maintain good posture, especially when they are factors that contribute to your slouching. So keep a a visible reminder where you spend most of your time, to increase your awareness about improving your posture.
Start Moving
If you’re always sitting down a lot, you’re more likely to slouch as your muscles tire of being in the same position, and you’ll soon start slumping your shoulders down lower and lower. So, stand up and move a little bit. Take a quick walk down stairs to get your body energized, or simply stand up to stretch every 30 minutes.

Get Back Support
The spine formed with a natural curve, so get a chair with a suitable backrest that comes with natural curve especially that fits into the hollow of your lower back. Your spine should come in contact with the backrest from your tailbone right to your upper back.
Avoid High-Heels
The ugly truth we all dread to hear, but don’t worry girls. We don’t mean you should stop wearing heels altogether. Just remember that you shouldn’t wear them when you don’t need to. Heels can change the body’s center of gravity, throwing it out of alignment. If you can’t live without a pair for one second, opt for heels that form close to the natural curve of the feet.
Don’t Bend Your Back
If you drop something on the ground, do not bend over while folding at the waist. Instead, bend your knees and kneel down with your spine straight to pick it up.