For a top model Amber Chia and a TV personality Daphne Iking, juggling their careers and motherhood can be a demanding ordeal, but an a rewarding one – They both look absolutely radiant and energetic with each day. We took the opportunity to ask them about their secrets to staying healthy for themselves and their family!
Q: Out of all the duties you have, being a mother is obviously one of the most important one of all. How do manage to stay so vibrant and beautiful all the time?
Daphne: It’s quite a challenge, but it’s so important to be healthy because when you’re healthy, you’re able to look after yourself, your kids and the health of your family, and not forgetting your career too! I only started taking care of my health recently, and before this, I was huge fan of junk food. It took a lot of effort to exercise, but now I try and do it three times a week. It’s definitely challenging trying to take care of yourself and your family, but if you make it your top objective, you can look after everyone else.
Amber: It’s not easy, and it’s not just about staying healthy to manage everything well. Being healthy is obviously important to keep good habits in your lifestyle like getting the right nutrients to eating the right supplements for healthy skin, kidney, liver and so on. Being healthy is about all the combinations of eating right, exercise, your mentality, the amount of water your drink, sleep, and more. It may sound like a big challenge to have a positive outlook, but all of that will pay off with a healthy mind and body, and eventually more time to manage your career and time with your family!
Q. Do you practice healthy habits with your family, especially with your children?
D: I do, but only because when growing up as a child, we didn’t have the luxury of having junk food, so that’s why I craved having my sodas and chocolate, and that’s when I started piling up a lot during that time. That gave a lasting impression on my 4-year old daughter and that was a mistake, but now I’m beginning to incorporate healthy eating into her by pureeing vegetables into her food so that she can get her nutrients, and now she’s slowly begging to develop a taste for her veggies. Better late than never, I say!
A: I always believe that health starts begin when you’re young to build your immune system and health makes you who you are. So, I incorporate health not only in food and drinks, but with hygiene and even exercise. I take my son out to the garden and we’ll run and play badminton, and that’s not just only for him, but for my health too! And having play-time with him is the best form of stress-relief and that leaves us both with a healthy mind and body.
Q. What is the most significant past-time you share with your child?
D: It used to be reading, but currently it’s more on painting and sewing. She still unable to handle the needle and thread well, but she’s creative in the sense where she’s got ideas in terms of design for her clothes. But one of the things that I do on a regular basis is when we have our bath time together, and this is really important. With the horrible stories we hear outside, I’ll gather up the foam and place them on her private parts as a lesson so that she learns a little bit about her body for her own safety, so that would be one of my most significant bonding moments with her.
A: I have a lot of activities to choose from. I think motherhood is one of the best things in the world and I am in love with it. But to pick one, I always sing my son to sleep every night, and in the morning when I open my eyes, I see him next to me, or he’ll be the one trying to open my eyes. It’s always a sweet thing to wake up to in the morning! He’s also quite a sweet-talker, so whenever I dress-up for work, he’ll always say “Mommy’s so beautiful” and I love that so much!
Q. What would your advice be for new mothers to stay youthful despite having to juggle a hectic schedule?
D: Ultimately, it is a personal choice. It took me two years to realize that I’m not aging as gracefully due to all these vices. And that made me realize that I need to put an end to all my unhealthy habits, especially with junk food. So, it’s really up to the person to realize it for him/herself with regards to their health. But one thing’s for sure, if you’re healthy you will be give out your optimum best, not only to yourself, but to your loved ones too!
A: That boils down to balancing good health and wellness, because with those two combined, you can be youthful not only on the inside, but in your skin as well! The most important would be to practice healthy habits like exercising, and to drink a lot of water. It boils down to the simply things like exercise, sleep, healthy eating.