Whether you’re just having a rough day, or it’s that time of the month your mood needs some serious uplifting, look into the kitchen for natural anti-depressants. So, just before you reach out for that bag of potato chips in the supermarket, how about recreating your comfort food list with these foods that will make you both happy and healthy!

1. Dark Chocolate
Bittersweet temptation! Dark chocolate is known to improve blood-flow to the brain and can help you feel more energetic and vibrant! According to the Physiology and Behavior Journal, dark chocolate contains cocoa flavanols which is known for its mood-improving qualities. No, we don’t mean that you should reach out for a Snickers bar. Get a bar of dark chocolate with low-sugar content and have a two pieces of it when you’re feeling down. You only need a small dose of dark chocolate each day to get the best out of it.

2. Salmon
Salmon is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which is vital to the body in creating serotonin, a chemical substance that plays an important part in learning, sleep and even anxiety. As Omega-3’s allows the body to create serotonin, this gives you the ability to improve your moods. Consuming salmon about 2-3 times a week, can help to make us feel happier and of course maintain good health. (Source)

3. Greek Yogurt
Dairy is commonly known as a form of ‘comfort food’ since its rich, creamy and just the aspect of it sounds so comforting! But there’s a bigger reason behind that, as calcium can naturally boost your spirit! Calcium supplements are recommended to those who suffer from depression, which logically explains why us girls would constantly list ice-cream as our top choice of food when we’re feeling down. But since ice-cream is not the healthiest, Greek Yogurt is the best option when you need something thats packed with more calcium, but low in fat! (Source)

4. Leafy Greens
You can’t define healthy without having veggies in your diet! Leafy vegetables like kale, Swiss chard and spinach in particular, are excellent sources of magnesium, vital nutrients that helps the nerve function and even benefits in improving your mood and to keep anxiety at bay. (Source)
If you need some help getting into vegetables, don’t forget to read How To Eat More Vegetables.