I think we all know by now that men are my favourite breathing creatures – apart from animals, of course. There are so many random things a man can do that can instantly turn me on, and dis bish has no shame in admitting it. Apart from physical traits and actions, one thing that I am totes a sucker for is a man’s personality.
Now, I’m not going to be all cliched and be that girl who says “I don’t look at appearances, I only see his personality”. Bish no – appearance IS an important factor and the personality is the icing on the cake. I mean, a man can look like this:

But, if his behaviour is shitty, then I’d rather pass. So, I’ve gathered a few qualities in men which I think might just be the green card to my vagina. Not that anybody cares, but here it is.
1. Vulnerability

Listen, no woman likes a man who is full of toxic masculinity. Sure, we love a man who is strong, dominant and passionate, but that little vulnerability that he has at heart is just amazing! A man who is vulnerable, open, a softie at heart, cultured and is willing to share his life with me – THAT, ladies, that is the man I wanna dine and bang with for the rest of my life.
A vulnerable man who will understand my emotions, a vulnerable man who is not afraid to show his emotions, as well as a man who is vulnerable enough to take the first steps in our relationship. Dis bish is already melting!
2. Showing Awareness

I want you to be able to know that I am dying, just by looking at my face, even if I am not showing you any obvious reaction. A man who is aware of my emotions and physical state is a 10/10. Whether I’m on my period or if I need utmost attention and I’m horny as f*ck – you being totes aware of that and providing for me is going to not only melt my heart, but also my Miss V.
3. Emotional Presence

If we’re on a date and you pull out your phone, you best believe that Imma take my bag and leave. Your emotional presence is absolutely important to me if you wanna make it to the bedroom tonight, baby! Conversations, interactions, a little touchy-touchy and giggling – these qualities that you have let me know that you take me and my vagina seriously.
4. Protectiveness

I mean, come on, ladies – don’t tell me you don’t swoon over a guy who is attentive to his woman’s comfort and safety. A man who knows how and when to protect a woman, as well as make her feel safe all the time is divine! Like, boy, your momma raised you hella right.
5. Stability

This may be a little sensitive to some people. But when I say stability, I don’t need you to be Bill Gates rich – nahh! Momma just wants you to be a man with goals, dreams, passions, as well as a driving force in your life. A man who wakes up every morning with a goal to achieve and a purpose to fulfill – you just got blessed with a p*$$y pancake for breakfast every morning, honey!
6. Sense Of Humour

Listen, if you haven’t conversed with a guy who has ZERO sense of humour, you don’t know what pain is, bish! Being around a man with a good sense of humour is refreshing, enlightening and it can totes make a woman feel more relaxed.
The situation becomes less awkward and bonding becomes easier. You make me laugh, I make you eat tits for dinner – how about that, huh? Do we have a deal?
7. If You Have A Dog, Maybe?

Hold it – I know this is not exactly a quality, BUT, if you a have a pet dog, then watcha doin not inviting me over, boy? I can’t quite pin down the reason, but men who have pets (preferably dogs, for me) just appear to be more attractive and HOT!
If you want me to come over – tell me you have a dog and Sir, I will be at your doorstep in 15 mins.
So, there ya have it. Qualities in men that can bring mah vajayjay to their crib. Please tell me you guys can relate and I’m not the only weird one here. Anyways, till next time, thank you for reading!
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