Howdy, bishes! If you’re reading this on a Sunday night, and you’ve read my previous articles, you know what Sunday nights mean – SEX! It’s the best way to recharge yourself for all the bullsh*t you’re about to face in the upcoming week. But of course, ain’t nobody here wants to be a Plain Jane when it comes to their sexual escapades. So, what better way to level up your sex life with some GAMES!

Yes girlfriend, games! Who doesn’t like games – and for sure you hos can’t live without sex, so why not just combine them? Whoever came up with sex games – a moment of appreciation for you – is a hero, because it’s a brilliant idea. When I say games, obvi you’re not going to run a marathon or play catch – these are games for sexy time. Games that can actually make you and your partner more hungry for each other.
Now, sex games sound FUN. The trick here is, it’s only fun if both of you enjoy it equally. Which is why playing safe and sticking to only one sex game is going to do no one justice. In fact, sex games are meant to be fun and enlighten your dying sex life. So, if you expect more thrills and excitement in your foreplay, here are a few sex games that will set you and your partner in the right mood for some all-night-long fun!
1. Post-it Notes

You know all those sticky notes you bought for your “journal”, that are just sitting on your desk? Yeah, this is the perfect way to finally put them to good use.
Before you get into this game, first, find a spot in your house where both you and your partner are comfortable getting naked. It can always be other than the bedroom. Set the mood however you prefer. Maybe dim the lights and light up some aroma sticks. A light sensual music will also be great.
How: Get some coloured sticky notes. Sit face-to-face with your partner. At this point, you can choose to be clothed or even begin naked. But the fun starts as you slowly undress each other. On your sticky note, write a verb. For instance – kiss, lick, suck, caress. Once you’re done writing them down, place the sticky notes on the part of your body that you want your partner to carry out that action on.
Have your partner do the same for them, and now you can start the show. Depending on who goes first and how well you seduce your partner, have them lift the sticky note one by one, while carrying out the action stated on the sticky note.
This is a perfect way to get used to foreplay if you are a beginner and both of you are shy. And, of course, a much more fun way to use dem sticky notes than boringly sticking them on your “to-do journal”
2. Jar Of Desires

Sounds magical, right? Yeah, magical my a$$ – more like sexual! Well, I guess sexually magical. Anyhoosy, this game is totes fun and exciting, because it kind of gives you a reason to look forward to the weekend. This game involves you thinking with your vaginas and d*cks for the whole week!
How: Get a jar and place it anywhere in your house where both you and your partner will most definitely walk past. Now, it’s best if you start this on a Monday, if you want a good amount of time to fill up the jar, as well as really explore what your desires are.
Think of your lustiest desires, wildest sexual fantasies, or anything at all that you’d like to try with your partner in bed. Write each of the desires on a small piece of paper, roll it up and drop it in the jar. Write as much as you’d like and DON’T CHEAT! Both you and your partner are only able to look at them on the weekends when you’re ready for some fun.
On a Sunday night, get real cozy and sexy, cause it’s time to discover what you and your partner want. As you unravel each desire, be ready to Shaka-laka-boom-boom!
3. Eat Me Honey

Listen up bish – the bottle of honey sitting in your kitchen cabinet isn’t just for your morning lemon with honey detox drink, alright? Its purpose is much more than that, so how about we all respect the honey and allow it to fulfill its real job. I think this game is more than just for sex, this game has the capability of testing your senses. Your sense of smell and touch, particularly.
How: Get your partner to drip some honey along their body, on all parts, especially where they want your mouth near.
While your partner is doing that, get a blindfold and cover your eyes so you won’t know exactly where your partner has placed the honey. From hereon, it’s completely based on your senses. Get close and personal – smell, lick and suck your partner from wherever, in order to trace down the honey spots.
And enjoy your partner whimpering and moaning to everything your tongue can do.
4. Scavenger Hunt

All you outdoor adventure enthusiast, hold your boobies, this is not what you think. Ain’t nobody about to have a sex game in the middle of the woods, alright? Pretty sure you freaks have some sex toys and kinky items lying around your house – probs hidden somewhere far behind in your closet. It’s time to bring those babies out into the light, away from the darkness that they have been condemned to.
How: Hide your sex toys and kinky items you have in random places around the house. The harder to find them the better. But of course, not too hard, cause, gurrrl, we don’t wanna be playing scavenger hunt the whole night now, do we? Have your partner search for these items and on each item they find, there should be a clue that leads to the next item.
Once they have collected every item, bring them all together – and now you and your partner can decide to have fun however you like with those items. A playful way to spice up your sexual escapades.
5. Strip Snakes & Ladders

Snakes & Ladders is just an example – it could be any other game that you and your partner are fond of, like Monopoly, Roll the Dice, etc. Any game can turn dangerous if it means you gotta strip every time you lose a shot.
How : With the Snakes & Ladders game, each time you or your partner have to climb down the ladder, you need to remove an article/piece of clothing. Its best if you play this game while standing up. The first one to crouch down completely naked loses. Of course, you and your partner wouldn’t even be able to finish the game, for obvious reasons.
So, there ya have it. 5 ways sex games can make your sexual escapades more fun and nasty! Happy banging, kiddos!
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