First of all, if you’re about to judge me, I kindly ask you to get the f*ck out. Thank you! And to all the lovely open-minded bishes here, welcome aboard, because I know your nasty a$$es are about to relate to me.
So, where do I start? The existence of men itself turns me on. I mean, come on, gurls – men are sexy, charming, strong, dominant – all these are the traits that can seriously make me stalk a man… not in a bad way, of course. And, if he is a gentlemen and a softie at heart – DANG! That’s the icing on the cake for me. Oh wait, I think it’s safer if I first clarify that not ALL men are awesome. Men who love, cherish and respect not only women but everyone else around them – these are MEN!
Some are clearly a mistake, and others are just wandering about aimlessly. Anyhoo – sometimes, I find myself legitimately melting from the insane HOTNESS a man’s aura can emit. And I figured that I can’t be the only one simping over all this – so here’s a list of things men do that can seriously turn me on, and if you relate to this, we are soul sisters!
1. Turning The Wheel With One Hand

Puck, yeah! Do you guys ever notice when a man turns the steering wheel with one hand? Oh honey! This action alone could take my imagination to different places. I mean, look at the video above and tell me there’s something hotter than that. Like, if you wanna date me, you don’t gotta act cool – just turn the Goddamn wheel like that and I’m all yours, SIR.
2. Veiny Arms/Hands

Veiny, sexy, juicy arms and hands coming through, girlfriend! Veiny hands and arms are totes turn-ons for me. You clearly did some heavy lifting and your veins be popping, sir. Being cuddled, held, touched and teased by veiny hands is just bliss. It might be creepy to some, but to girls like me, boy, you have no idea how sexy you are walking around with hands like this.
3. Suit And A Tie

Funny how guys wanna see girls naked, but girls would actually wanna see their man in a suit and tie. A CEO in a suit and tie working at his desk, flipping through reports – that’s the one! That is the man I wanna marry. Like, you could do nothing but sit on your desk all day with your suit on, and I’d still get wet.
4. Extending His Arm Around The Back Of Her Chair
GAHHH! Hold on, lemme collect myself.
This thing he does, while talking to someone else in the room, is f*ckin sexy. There’s something dominant and powerful with this one move. It’s almost like he is letting everyone in the room know that you are his – and he isn’t even touching you. This is hot and this turns me the puck on!
5. Sleeves Rolled-Up To The Elbows

If you do this in front of me, I’m sorry boy, but Imma misunderstand that you wanna get down and dirty, right here, right now! Rolling up his sleeves to his elbows shows how focused and determined he is at work. And I love nothing more than a serious, work-oriented man.
6. Offering His Coat
Pretty basic, and a cliched move, but still a winner. When a man offers his coat, it means more than him just being kind or gentle. It means he is observant and notices your every reaction. So, when you’re cold you don’t gotta say anything, your reactions alone would be enough to make him offer his coat.
Offering the coat is one thing – but wrapping and securing his coat around your shoulders – now, that can make my legs weak as hell.
7. Loosening The Necktie

Whoo – things just got hotter in here! You can loosen your necktie and I might just start loosening all my clothes. Do I even need to explain this one?! I mean look at this:

And this:

8. Fixing Broken Things
Uh, yes please – I would love to sit in my lingerie and see you fixing the broken pipe with your rolled-up sleeves, loosened necktie, veiny hands and your focused demeanor. And once you’re done fixing the pipe, I’ll be waiting in the bedroom, SIR. We have some unfinished business to attend to.
9. Eye Contact
Ya can’t intimidate me, boy! Well, for one, I maintain really good eye contact and two, your direct eye-contact is not going to scare me, but only turn me on. Eye contact means he is focused on what you’re saying and he has no time to look at other things except your eyes. Very sexy and romantic, even!
10. When He Calls Me By My Name
Listen, everybody calls me by my name, but coming from the guy that I like, that’s melody to my ears and p*$$y. Whether he calls me sternly or gently, that sh*t is hella sexy and he doesn’t even know what he is doing to me.
11. Him Being Curious About Me
I can be telling him a story, and if he starts asking me more questions about myself, gurl, that’s effort right there. It turns me on when a guy is actually interested in me and the stories I tell him, and when he takes the time to ask more about me.
12. Placing An Arm On My Legs When Driving

When driving, there’re only two places your hands need to be on – the steering wheel and my thighs. I don’t know about ya’ll, but placing a hand on my thigh, while the other hand is calmly holding the steering wheel gives off major “I’m in control” vibes. And dis bish is all for it.
13. Complimenting My Accessories
Uhm, hello? I made an effort to dress up and look all pretty – the least you can do is tell me my earrings look nice, or that you like my watch! If your man does this, he is a keeper, babygirl, because he is detail-oriented and he notices every change in your appearance. It’s so sexy and it totes makes me melt and even makes me feel better about myself.
So, there ya go. Nice meeting you, nasty bishes, and I’m so glad I’m not the only one getting wet over these things.
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