Panty liners… REALLY?

We are all aware that pantyliners belong in, well, your panties! They were intended for that, after all. But you know what? They don’t always have to sit in your panties. These thin cotton slips that are incredibly absorbent, together with the handy sticky strips that are attached to them, have some surprise aesthetic benefits that you wish you had known about sooner.
Pantyliners are necessary for half the population, yet they have more uses than their primary function would suggest! Who knew sanitary napkins could be so useful? We’ve listed 11 incredible ways you can use panty liners to unleash their full potential.
1. Absorbent insole

Are you tired of your feet hurting after wearing your shoes all day? Now, there’s an easy solution for this. Simply cut your pantyliner into small strips and place them in all the spots where your shoes are biting you. And if your feet are prone to blisters, it’s a must to try this hack. Your feet will be protected from the rough shoe material by the soft cotton.
2. Makeup aid

I know we have cotton wipes and all, but what if, one day, you wake up and find them finished? Obviously, you’re not gonna run to the store (unless you’re actually going shopping). Surprisingly, when you run out of those useful swabs or makeup removal pads, pantyliners can come in very handy. Cutting one liner and putting some moisturizer or baby oil on it, is a terrific trick to help remove stubborn mascara because they are both made of the same absorbent cotton. Furthermore, if you’re concerned that your eye shadow powder will leak onto your cheeks and sabotage your masterpiece, rip up a panty liner and place it under your eyes.
3. Sweat protection

Did you know that a clever approach to spare yourself tonnes of shame is to use pantyliner in clothing? We’re referring to those unavoidable pit stains that are a natural result of warm weather. Put the strips inside the sleeves of your t-shirt, then wait for the cotton to do its thing. This helps you avoid yellow stains and unpleasant body odor. In fact, before using them under your pits, spritz some of your favourite scent. It’s a win-win situation!
4. Nail polish remover

You’re out of cotton balls, but you still need to remove your damaged nail polish before a big function. Don’t worry, pantyliners will save the day once more! Simply combine pantyliner with nail paint remover and watch the magic happen. You won’t ever use a cotton ball again, we promise!
5. Nursing pads

If you’re a new mother, you probably understand how it feels to suffer leakage when you first begin breastfeeding. And this might become quite a problem. Try using pantyliners as nursing pads to prevent further accidents. Simply split a panty liner in half and tuck one half into each bra cup. This will help you stay comfy and soak up any leaks. Why spend money on an expensive nursing bra when you can use panty liners instead?
6. Surface cleaner

Having to stare at dirty phone screens every day can be really frustrating. Thus, we frequently look for napkins made of soft materials to clean our phone displays. However, you could always use a panty liner if you don’t have one at hand. Because it is made of soft cotton, your screen will be properly cleaned without being scratched. Simply add a drop of water to the panty liner and wipe the mess away. You can also use panty liner to clean any surface, like tables or floors, just in case you can’t find a cloth at that point.
7. Floor protection

With pantyliners, you’ll never have to worry about furniture legs damaging your floors again. This could be the simplest and most affordable way to ever protect your floors. Simply place pantyliner, soft side down, on the foot of each furniture leg, then wrap it around to keep it in place. It might be obvious if you put an entire panty liner on your furniture legs – so to make it less obvious or almost impossible to notice, cut them into small pieces before sliding them down to your furniture.
8. DIY Freshener

After learning about this hack, you’ll probably ditch air fresheners and save some cash!
Is there a faint, musty odour coming from your closet? You can get rid of it by applying a few drops of your preferred essential oil or your favourite perfume to pantyliner, and hang it in your wardrobe. Your clothing will now constantly smell clean and fresh! For people who grow weary of repeatedly washing and drying their garments to get rid of the scent, this hack is a must try.
9. Bra friction relief

We’ve all been here. The minute you want to head out, you get this uncomfortable feeling from your bra. Turns out, the wire is poking you. Of course, there’s no time to shop for a new bra or stitch that part up. So, what do we do? We turn to our trusty panty liner for help. When it comes to your unpleasant underwire, there are two ways to benefit from pantyliners. You can use pantyliner to protect your flesh from the sharp edge and you can wrap it around the underwire, soft side out, to reduce friction.
10. Glasses protection

Sure, sunglasses casings are meant to keep your glasses safe. But sometimes, they still get dirty and could crack easily. Need a simple solution to protect your sunglasses when not in use? Line your case with panty liners. This is a fantastic technique to clean your sunglasses if they are extremely dirty and to keep your glasses safe!
11. Cooling pads

You got bruised, but there’s no cooling pad. No worries – you can always use pantyliner. Just soak the pantyliner in water and place it in the freezer for 15 minutes. Now, you can use this DIY cooling pad for any kind of bruise you have.
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