It’s inevitable that your teeth will yellow over time. And if you regularly consume coffee, dark sodas, wine, tea, and juices, your teeth will stain and the enamel will be worn down. Hence, if you’re worried about teeth staining, it’s best to avoid excessive consumption of citrus, coffee, and soda. But, we’re only human, and we shouldn’t stop ourselves from indulging in our cravings just so we could avoid teeth yellowing! To put your worries to rest, here are a few easy home remedies that you can try out to whiten your teeth.
Coconut Oil
Given its many health advantages, coconut oil is one of the best ingredients to use in your teeth-whitening regimen. This method, known as “oil pulling,” involves swishing oil around in your mouth to get rid of bacteria that could form plaque and give your teeth a yellowish appearance. Simply swish one to two teaspoons of liquid coconut oil around in your mouth for ten to thirty minutes. Keep in mind that the oil contains toxins and bacteria from your mouth, so be careful not to swallow it. Because it clogs drains, spit it out into a tissue before brushing your teeth as usual.
Baking Soda
If you’re familiar with any DIY beauty hacks, you’ve probably come across this nifty ingredient. Baking soda has natural whitening properties, which is why it’s a popular ingredient in toothpaste. It works as a gentle abrasive to help remove surface stains from teeth. Simply combine 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 2 teaspoons of water, then use the paste to brush your teeth. To really see the results, repeat this procedure a couple of times per week!
Papayas and Pineapples
Fruits that contain papain and bromelain can help whiten teeth, as studies have found that tooth bleaching gels that contain those two enzymes have substantial clinical potential to whiten teeth. These fruits include papaya and pineapple – though there is no evidence that eating them will whiten your teeth. Some experts even claim that the acid in the fruits can actually make the colour of teeth worse.
This strawberry and baking soda hack, which has gained popularity thanks to celebrities and TikTok, might be well worth a shot. Some people contend that while baking soda removes stains, the malic acid in strawberries will lighten tooth discoloration. Simply mash up a fresh strawberry, add baking soda, and brush your teeth with the concoction.
Rub banana, orange or lemon peels
This remedy’s lack of any potentially harmful chemicals is a plus. This is so that the peels’ citric acid, which in theory aids in teeth whitening, can function. It’s not advised to use this remedy, though, if you have sensitive teeth or weak tooth enamel. However, for those who are interested in giving it a try, simply rub your teeth with the peel of an orange, banana, or lemon. Rub it for approximately 2 minutes before rinsing your mouth and brushing your teeth.
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