They might not smell great, but one thing’s for sure: Durians taste like HEAVEN!

And with durian season here, Malaysians and foreigners are eager to get their hands on the King of Fruits. Quite some time ago, a lot of people on social media were taken aback by reports of deaths and health complications allegedly linked to durian consumption. While the stories were proven untrue, durian lovers should keep in mind that some minor side effects can be experienced when pairing durian with other foods and drinks.
You see, durians are “heaty” fruits. That is why your water intake has to be twice what it usually is when you’re indulging in durian. However, there are other things to consider. Well, 8 to be precise – 8 foods and drinks you are advised against consuming WITH durian. Doing so might not be deadly, but you’ll face a bit of a pickle.
1. Alcohol

Many people who enjoy durian naturally think that this is a horrible mix to start with, and I couldn’t agree more. Although durian can’t be considered unhealthy, alcoholic beverages and durian are frequently seen as a sinful combo. Alcohol is known to increase a person’s body temperature, while durian is known to be heaty.
Therefore, combining the two can shock your cardiovascular system. Doctors have also advised against combining them due to the possibility of bloating and heartburn. For people with diabetes, the combination of carbohydrates, calories, and fibre can lead to major complications or even death. So save the beer, gin, wine, and any other alcoholic beverage for another day.
2. Milk

If you drink milk after consuming durian and suddenly need to go potty BIG TIME, lactose may not be the culprit. Rumour has it that this mixture can be lethal, as it leads to a rise in blood pressure. There is no medical literature to back this up, but think about it – milk doesn’t pair well with most foods. And why eat durian with milk, when durian itself is sweet and creamy? It might sound tasty, but it might just give you a tummy ache later.
3. Mangosteen

There is much debate about this. Some say the mangosteen is very “cooling” and shouldn’t be eaten with durian. Others claim that after eating durian, you need to cool off, and mangosteens can help you do so. That’s polarizing indeed! One thing is for sure – both fruits are high in cellulose. As a result, they can clog up your intestines and absorb water like a sponge, leading to an urgent case of constipation. Additionally, since both fruits are high in sugar, your blood sugar level may rise.
4. Lychee/Longan

Lychee is a bite-sized fruit that feels cold in the mouth, although it is actually a heaty fruit. Can you imagine what it’s like combing two heaty fruits? The problem is, due to their small size and juicy nature, lychee lovers rarely recognize an overdose until it is too late. The same holds true for longan. So, even though other heaty fruits might be enticing, it’s best to avoid them if you’re eating durian.
5. Mutton/Beef

Mutton has a reputation for being a heaty food. After eating mutton soup, some people with weakened immune systems may even get a fever the next day. Therefore, the potential health risk of mutton alone is not to be dismissed. If you have the guts to try this food combo, be fully prepared to have a flaming ass the next day when you go to the loo. If you’re fortunate, you could even get to experience it shortly after consuming durian-paired mutton. Another heaty meat is beef. Hence, if you know you’re gonna have durian, just steer away from meats, just until your durian fever is gone.
6. Medication

Research has found no negative health consequences in the mixing of durian and medication. Those who use blood pressure drugs may have concerns about it, because durian is believed to elevate blood pressure when taken in large amounts. So, just to be safe, avoid taking medications along with durian. It’s likely that the heat from durian might interact with your medicines to cause side effects. Also, once you’ve taken your meds, you need to stop eating, since you need to give time for the medication to work.
7. Crab

Although you’re unlikely to die, you could suffer side effects when mixing durian and crab. Durian is classified as “heaty,” while crabs are supposed to be incredibly “cooling.” As a result, taking both at once will confuse your digestive system and possibly give you stomach pain.
8. Carbonated Drinks

You’ve probably heard this one: eating durian and drinking carbonated beverages is a deadly combination that could lead to intoxication and death. Although it is observed that fizzy drinks and the active bio components in durians have the potential to produce reactions, this has been disproven as myth.
You can have this combo, but there might be effects like indigestion, bloating or stomach discomfort because your digestive system has to work extra hard to metabolize sugars, fats and caffeine at the same time. Unless you want to be experiencing these effects, just put your Coke on hold.
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