We’re pretty sure that after the deadly coronavirus, the one thing that most people are highly concerned about is their health and maintaining a robust immune system. As they should, by the way. Guess we can thank Covid-19 for one thing – making everyone health conscious. Not saying you should completely give up fast food, gummies, snacks and everything that is heavenly to the taste buds – but maybe it’s time we put that aside and focus on strengthening our immunity.
Hey – how interesting would it be if everyone just went on a health challenge? Like, imagine the whole town being so keen on making their immune system strong and healthy that they take up a challenge? Sounds pretty cool to us! Like, hell no are we working out on our own – we’ll do it only if you guys join in too!
How? With BiO-LiFE, which is organising the 21 Days Good Health By Yourself Immunity Challenge! This challenge is perfect for you to work towards being fit and healthy all on your own.

If you didn’t already know, BiO-LiFE is a natural and holistic healthcare company that has reigned in the Malaysian healthcare industry for over 30 years. They are creating this challenge is hopes of helping Malaysians understand the importance healthy living, so that we can all build a stronger immune system to take on the ongoing threats from contagious and evolving viruses.
We sure have heard enough about it – but have we ever taken the initiative to actually stick to a healthy lifestyle? “But, why should I do it?” is a common question. Well, what if we told you that you’d also stand a chance to win RM46,000 worth of exciting prizes? Nah-uh, hold your horses! You will not win this just by joining the challenge. What’s going to help you win this is your level of creativity.

That’s right! How creative you are in completing this challenge while posting it on your social media will determine if you deserve to win the exciting prizes.
Here’s what Balaji Rajagopal, the General Manager of Malaysia and Singapore of MEGA BiO-LiFE, said when expressing the intentions of the company during its creative and effective introduction to the 21 Days GHBY Immunity Challenge:
“Now, more than ever, immunity is something that we should not take for granted. With so many risks around us, it is crucial that we maintain our health and strengthen our immunity, so that we can stay protected. Through this challenge, we want to take the opportunity to encourage Malaysians to get active, stay healthy, and optimize their immunity!” – Balaji Rajagopal, General Manager of Malaysia & Singapore of MEGA BiO-LiFE.
We couldn’t agree more! Balaji Rajagopal continued to say that experts claim it takes 21 days for us to develop a new habit. By challenging ourselves to stick to a new routine for 21 days, we are sure to climb out of our comfort zones and pick-up new-and-improved lifestyles that are beneficial to our immunity!

You don’t really need to pay loads for a health instructor, a nutritionist or a dietician to help you stick to a healthy lifestyle. You can very well do it on your own, even in the comfort of your home. Like, reducing screen time in a day, getting on your feet, and going for a walk, or eating a healthy variant of breakfast should do the job. You can focus on any challenge that best suits your goals and then stick to it for 21 days and remember to be creative while you’re at it.
Starting from now to the 31st of July 2022, make your pledge to achieve a goal through this challenge. Here’s how you can join with the rest of us:
Simply choose a health challenge from either the diet, physical activity or lifestyle category and constantly share your progress across the span of 21 days on your social media page based on the timeline given.
Day 1 – Kick Start
To kick start this challenge, on day 1, start by sharing your personal challenge that you have chosen with the invitation card that you will receive upon registering online. Don’t forget to encourage your friends and family to join along. Remember, the more, the merrier!
Day 7 & 14 – Progress Update
Update the progress of your challenge to date, either by picture or making a creative video.
Day 21 – Conclusion
You’ve reached the end of your challenge! Share your final thoughts and outcome on successfully completing the challenge by stating a few things, like the changes you have noticed from your new, healthy lifestyle.
Do make sure that when you post your BiO-LiFE GHBY Immunity Challenge, your posts fulfill the following criteria:
- Posts are made public and posted through Facebook and/or Instagram
- Tag BiO-LiFE on Facebook @biolifemarketing and Instagram @biolifemy with the hashtags #21dayschallenge #MegaBiolifeGHBY #takechargeofyourwellness;
- Add the sticker template you have received in the confirmation email to your photos and videos before posting on your socials.
As for the prizes, the first 300 participants who complete this challenge will be selected as winners, so don’t waste a second more and start your challenge today! Here’s how BiO-LiFE is making this exciting – the most creative poster will stand a chance to win additional prizes worth more than RM46,000 in total.
Grand prize winners (5 pax) will win a Langkawi Bella Vista Waterfront 3D2N stay worth RM180 inclusive of breakfast and 2x adult entry tickets to Splash Out Langkawi. Special Prize winners (50 pax) will get Touch n’ Go reload pin worth RM50 and a 1 month supply of BiO-LiFE Imunix. The Consolation prize is a Touch n’ Go reload pin worth RM30 and a 1 month supply of BiO-LiFE Imunix.
Sign up now for BiO-LiFE 21 Days Good Health By Yourself Immunity Challenge right here: http://biolife.2.vu/21Dsignup.
For more information, visit Bio-Life Malaysia’s Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/biolifemarketing.
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