Come on now, don’t be shy! When your significant other can’t do it, you do it yourself then. The most useful thing life will ever teach you is, Do It Yourself! So, what do we do when sex just ain’t good enough? WE MASTURBATE! If you do masturbate, then good for you, love. Cause did you know that masturbating isn’t just to please your horny self, but has a lot of general health benefits as well? So good job in satisfying that p*$$y or d*ck, and at the same time, keeping your mental and physical self healthy.
Oh! Another fun fact: most women tend to orgasm faster when they masturbate than having a shaft up their hole! No offense to shaft owners. Anyways, just in case you were wondering (I know you are), here are a few of the benefits you can get from masturbating.
But before that, let’s all make sure we’re on the same page here. Masturbation, or self-pleasuring, is the solo act of touching and rubbing parts of your body for sexual pleasure. For instance, the penis, scrotum, clitoris, vulva, breasts and anus. Apparently, masturbation is seen as a common behaviour of exploring the physical self throughout the teen years and adulthood, by any gender.
Sexual Health Benefits of Masturbation

Masturbation is known to help release sexual tension. If you haven’t gotten laid in a while, then you probs have a bit of sexual tension pent-up in you, and a great way to release all of that is through masturbating. Another sexual benefit is that it lets people explore their sexuality. Although it’s your body, there’s only so much you know about it. How sure are you of what your body may or may not like? Exactly! Masturbating is a great step to exploring your body and it’s needs and wants, or what your body enjoys the most. Plus, when you are confident and sure of what your body likes, having sex will be extra interesting, cause you can tell your partner what makes you reach your high. Besides, masturbating really helps with self-confidence, I believe. You just become more secure with your body and tend to show more love and compassion towards your own body.
General Health Benefits of Masturbation
1. Masturbating For Relaxing

Of course, you can relax by watching a movie, going shopping, maybe hanging out with friends – but nothing is as relaxing as masturbating. True that! How, you ask? Well, when one masturbates, one’s body creates dopamine which is a chemical associated with pleasure that releases into your body. And what this dopamine does is it makes you feel good and puts you in a better mood. Precisely why, after you masturbate, you just happen to be in a really good mood.
2. Masturbating For De-stressing

Well, it’s only logical if it helps you relax, it’s definitely going to de-stress you. Masturbation releases hormones and neurotransmitters that help reduce stress and blood pressure, ultimately putting your mind at ease, away from everything that may cause you to be stressing out. So, if by the end of the week, when your work pile makes you wanna punch someone, don’t. Simply go into your room and release.
3. Masturbating For Better Sleep

Masturbating causes you to orgasm and orgasming helps your body release a whole bunch of mixed neurochemicals including oxytocin, serotonin, vasopressin and prolactin – all of which your body needs for better sleep. So, whenever you feel sleepy but you just can’t put your a** to bed, try masturbating – that may help!
4. Masturbating For Relieving Cramps

Did you know that masturbating can actually ease your period cramps? When you reach your climax during masturbation, the oxytocin and dopamine that is released in your body act as painkillers that are really beneficial for helping to reduce nasty menstrual cramp pain. When you have reached your climax, the blood rushes to your uterus and helps relieve the cramps.
Benefits Of Masturbating While Preggers

That baby is not going to stop you from having any fun, woman! Many pregnant women have testified that masturbating during pregnancy actually helps lower their stress levels, improve their sleep, as well as ease pregnancy related pain and discomfort. Plus, masturbating is a safe sexual practice compared to sex during pregnancy. Some women, during their pregnancy, may have a slightly higher sexual drive due to the heavy hormonal change, so masturbating during these times is safe and pretty normal, I guess.
Masturbation Wards Off Prostate Cancer

Some past research suggested that masturbating can help lower the risk of prostate cancer through regular ejaculation, although doctors aren’t exactly sure why. This is a high speculation that resulted from a survey carried out by a 2016 Cohort Study involving 31,925 participants. There may not be specific evidence, but masturbation is closely related to lowering the risk of prostate cancer.
So, these are some of the benefits of masturbating that you should know about. Masturbating is fun. Like Truman Capote once said “The good thing about masturbation is that you don’t have to get dressed up for it.” Like, imagine getting all dressed up sexily, just to have your significant other rip your clothes off your body? Pfft, waste of time!! Do It Yourself!
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