You know, they say after a few years of marriage, you wouldn’t even realise it if your spouse walks past you in the living room. It’s either your husband didn’t really see ya there, or – and here’s the bitter truth – he doesn’t really care no more. As much as I’d like to say it’s normal, I guess it just shouldn’t be that way. You can be 40 years old – but your hubby better be looking at you each time you pass him. How, you may ask? Simple – there are a few steps you can consider taking that can make your husband fall in love with you again, or strengthen a marriage that is unravelling.
Read on – I know you want to know more.
1. Value Him And Show Him You Do

You know what men are suckers for? When they know they have succeeded in stealing your heart and somehow that feeds their ego. So, every now and then to make him feel young and handsome, show him how much you value him. Tell him what made you fall in love with him in the first place. You know, it’s not always the ladies that deserve the sweet talk, men need it too. And boy does it make them feel good. You can just send him a message when he is over at work or you can tell it to him when he comes back home. If you want to make it more romantic, write a letter to him and make it special. You can probably make him feel the butterflies in his tum-tum again. Feed him good food, make special meals just for him, give him a much needed massage every now and then. All these little gestures can really help ignite that spark again.
2. Keep The Flirting Going

Just cause you’re 5 years into your marriage and have a house full of kids, that doesn’t mean your flirting needs to stop. Flirting with your husband is just pure fun and joy, and oh so romantic! Put those nasty kids to sleep (sorry, I just imagined a mini me and have no better way to describe it), grab some red wine, dim the lights, hang out wherever there’s privacy in the house and just flirt away with your man. Have some romantic talks, be sexy when talking to him, give him those flirtatious eye flutters you did when you first met him.
When you channel your flirty and playful side, it is guaranteed to rekindle that chemistry between you both. It’s not lost, the chemistry is there – you just need to kick-start it again. When this side of you shows after years of marriage, it will for sure make your husband fall head-over-heels for you again.
3. Give Him A Guy’s Night Out

Usually, you would hear couples arguing over how the man of the house is never at home and doesn’t have his priorities right. And then there are men who put their family above everything and those kind of men need a break. If you’re wondering how to make him fall in love with you again, tell him to go hang out with his friends. It’s simple and even when he’s hanging out with his friends, he’ll still be thinking about you. Telling your husband to have a day or night out with his friends is actually a way of you showing him that you respect his privacy and you’re willing to give him space. A wife that respects her husband is definitely going to be loved and respected as well. Plus, a few hours apart might just make him miss you more.
4. Being Adventurous In Bed

It’s always the bedroom, because that’s where you make love. It has been said that one of the reasons a marriage may fail is due to lack of sex as you grow older in marriage. I mean, why stop when you can keep banging? The kids, house chores, stress… all these are not good enough reasons to stop having sex. Sometimes, all you need is physical love and affection. Show your man you’re still capable in bed. Show him what that p*$$y can still do, even after pushing out humans. Bringing back the fire into your bedroom will 100% gain the attention of your husband.
So dress up, put on that pheromone perfume, wear your favourite red lipstick and… you know what to do. Captivate him.
5. Dates And Vacations

When was the last time you guys went on an actual date after marriage? Was it months ago or years ago? It’s time to go on a date again. Make reservations this Saturday at your husband’s favourite restaurant, and send those little butts to your babysitter. You can both dress up and have a good, refreshing and romantic date night. Trust me when I say it is much needed. Date nights can help you bond again. I bet there’s so much you want to tell your husband and he would love to tell you things too. This is a great way to capture your man’s attention and he will be mesmerised.
6. Dress Up, Love

After tying the knot and a few years into your marriage, your wardrobe might look a little, idk, “boring” I guess. If it does, then change that, woman. Bring back your style and alter your closet. Maybe you’ll even find your new style along the way. Show your husband your new style. Of course, I am not asking you to completely become another person. But, dress up every now and then for your man. Bring a little sexiness and glamour into your date night clothes. Or, dress up around the house for him – but before that please remember to put your kids to sleep. Bring back your sexual appeal and he’ll be mad head-over-heels just for you. After all, no man can resist a well put together woman. Surely, your husband can’t either.
So there it is, simple tips and tricks to make your husband look at you again. Hope this helps – and have fun!
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