Are you 25? Constantly feeling stuck smack dab in the void of “what now?”, not knowing where to head as if you’ve lost faith and total control of yourself?
Don’t worry, you’re not going crazy alone! Adulting (or #adulting) can be hard, and modern adulthood seems to get cloudier the more you grow up. Hearing twenty-somethings talk about going through a quarter life crisis can feel like a joke, until of course you’re experiencing it yourself.
Oh yes, the infamous quarter life crisis – the period of intense soul searching and stress occurring in your mid 20s to early 30s. Although it is a relatively common phenomenon, the struggle is definitely real.

Quarter life crisis is not just a phase; it’s a transition. Well, let the overwhelming question of “I have no idea where I’m going” guide you to where you want to be.
1. Talk About It
Stop putting on the “My Life is Amazing” magic show when you know you’re tired of pretending. Your parents or boss might not understand, but your peers – they feel you.
Voice out your problems to the people you trust. Opinions and advice from your friends might help, or at least, make you think.
2. Rediscover Yourself
You don’t know who you are anymore, and if you don’t even like the person you’ve become, it’s definitely time to rediscover yourself. What is the one thing you’ve always wanted to do but never had the chance to? Now seems like the best time to do it. Discover your long lost passions such as painting, writing or making music. You’re old enough now and no one should be able to stop you.
3. Don’t Let Anything Define You
Be who you want to be. It doesn’t matter if you start late. Your dream and goals don’t have an expiry date. You try, and try again. Stop comparing yourself to peers who you believe are doing better than you are.
What should be, will be – this is what the universe has prepared for you, so focus on the good things. Don’t like your job? Do something about it, because only you can help yourself. And hey, don’t get pressured over what your elders say.. You will get married whenever you feel like it.
4. Don’t Sit and Stew and Simmer
Open up the windows. Let in some fresh air. Go for a run. Heck, maybe even sign up for a marathon. Start yoga. Go to a church service. Read some books. Volunteer at a retirement home.
If you have no idea what you’re doing in your life, just pick something that you know can’t be bad and run with it. Sometimes the best answers come when we stop sitting around obsessing over finding them.
5. Feel The Good Vibes
Don’t lose faith in your future; you are not a total loser, just currently stuck. Put all of your negative thoughts away and vibe on. Yes, it can be depressing, but learn to chill out! Be the best version of yourself. You can, and you need to.
Everything is going to be fine and dandy, we assure you!