Most of us girls grew up playing with Barbie. Some of us became avid collectors of the doll and then there are some who took the Barbie craze to extreme lengths.
Meet Blondie Bennett, 38, from California, a woman who has dedicated her life to transforming herself into Barbie. She said: “When people ask why I want to be Barbie I think, ‘Who wouldn’t want to be?’ She has the best life. All she does is shop and make herself look pretty – she doesn’t worry about anything.”

But that’s not all as she’s taking her obsession with becoming the famous doll to a whole different level – by having hypnotherapy to make herself “brainless”. The former model, who changed her name to Blondie a year and a half ago, has sessions once a week to make her more easily confused and vacant. She has also spent £25,000 on five breast enlargement procedures, giving her a size 32JJ.
“I’ve had 20 sessions and I’m already starting to feel ditzy and confused all the time.” She added, “Recently I went to pick a friend up at the airport and couldn’t remember if I needed to go to departures or arrivals. I also got lost for three hours driving to my mum’s house – the house where I grew up.”

What do you think of Blondie and all her efforts to resemble Barbie?