Quite often, we don’t pay attention to what we’re doing with our legs, hands, or even face when we’re around certain people. It may not even occur to us that these things are significant – but it may be quite significant to others. Body language may reveal a lot about a person’s personality and emotions. And it might either help you make a good first impression and land the job of your dreams, or make folks avoid you.
Although not everyone on the earth is a body language specialist, most individuals have a gut instinct about it and can detect when someone’s habits are off-putting. Have you ever noticed signs of distasteful habits? Check out our list below to know more.
1. Fidgeting

Fidgeting is a common symptom of anxiousness. Whether it’s a habit you’ve developed through time or something you do to relax in stressful situations, you should endeavour to stop fidgeting. During a conversation or a crucial meeting, twirling your hair, touching your jewellery, tapping your fingers and feet, or continuously checking your watch shows that you appear bored and you’d rather be somewhere else. Fidgeting has a high chance of making conversations awkward and might just upset the person you’re conversing with.
2. Slouching

Your posture can reveal a lot about your self-assurance. If you have a tendency to withdraw within yourself or slouch a lot, it may indicate to others that you lack self-confidence and are easily affected by what others say. Even if you have very high self-esteem, slouching is still not good. If you don’t correct your posture when you’re young, you may suffer much more serious problems as you become older, and once it becomes a habit, you’ll do it even if you’re not in an uncomfortable circumstance. While a sedentary life might harm your posture, it is necessary to take a stroll or stretch and glance away from the computer screen every now and then.
3. Crossing arms and legs

Crossing our arms and legs is something we all do automatically, but doing so during a conversation can often indicate defence. It could imply that you’re not interested in engaging with others or listening to what they have to say, or that you’re uncomfortable in their company. You will appear more trustworthy if you maintain your arms and legs uncrossed and your hands visible.
4. Rubbing your neck

It’s possible that you rub your neck to relieve stress. Perhaps you simply do it to relieve tension in that area, even though nothing is bothering you. In any event, be conscious of what you do with your hands and try to avoid it wherever feasible. It may otherwise show your fear and discomfort to others.
5. Nail biting

A common habit that many people engage in – which is, by the way, GROSS! Nail biting is another habit that signals to folks you’re nervous. It may help you relax, but it will also reveal how you are feeling. Apart from that, it can be distracting and even disgusting to the person you’re chatting with. Nail biting will also deteriorate the condition of your nails. And, because people judge you based on your appearance, you may make a negative impression. It’s not sexy, so don’t bite your nails!
6. Rolling your eyes

Personally, I hate people doing this simply because it’s disrespectful and annoying. Nothing in the world irritates me more than this habit. It’s one of the most inconsiderate things you can do to someone’s face, so don’t be surprised if they scream at you or walk away from the conversation after you do this act. When you roll your eyes at coworkers or superiors at work, they will perceive you as incredibly unprofessional, and they may be insulted by your actions.
7. Not smiling

Are you even human? Who doesn’t smile? Smiling is one of the best things to do and you’ll never know where a smile can lead to. In both formal and informal contexts, smiling at someone is an important method to demonstrate confidence and openness. It’s the finest method to establish a good first impression, along with a firm handshake. It can encourage people to respond positively to you and to be more open and trusting of you in general. Simultaneously, you must guarantee that you are not feigning a smile. Most people can immediately detect if someone is faking a smile, and it makes you appear false, disingenuous, and untrustworthy. Someone with a stiff-looking face can come out as unapproachable and frigid. So relax and always remember to smile a little.
8. Getting distracted

This habit isn’t nasty, but it does, eventually, irritate the people around you. You may not mean it as an insult, but to those around you, it may appear that you are bored and uninterested in what they’re saying. People often don’t understand they’re doing it and, as a result, don’t recognise they’re hurting someone else. Make sure you’re paying attention to what the other person is saying, or do anything to show them that you respect them enough to participate in the conversation.
More on body language? Read this:
Body Language: Why ‘Body Neutrality’ Is BETTER Than ‘Body Positivity’