When mother nature comes knocking, you know sh*ts about to go down. Figuratively and literally. Even though we have it every month, it still affects us a lot, whether you notice it or not. From the dramatic mood swings to the painful cramps, it’s only natural that we would try anything that can alleviate the pain. The most important part is to listen to your body. If you’re craving some chocolate, get some. If you feel sleepy, take a nap. There’s nothing wrong with babying yourself, especially when you’re on your period gurl!
You’ve probably seen your fair share of period hacks floating around the internet – here are some weird ones you might or might not have heard of:
Sleeping with a light on to regulate your periods

Women with extra long or irregular periods who slept next to a typical 100-watt light bulb for a few days during the last two weeks of their cycles had their cycles shortened by an average of 12 days, according to one research. This is because light exposure while sleeping appears to alter the sleep hormone melatonin, which helps regulate the release of female reproductive hormones that control when your menstrual cycle begins and ends. So, get a nightlight and turn it on for the last two weeks of your cycle, you might just be able to regulate your periods!
Orgasms may help relieve cramps

Whether it’s sex with a partner or by yourself, having orgasms is one of the most effective ways to relieve your cramps! This is due to the chemicals released by your body when you reach climax, such as oxytocin and dopamine. When you orgasm, blood rushes to the uterus, relieving cramps and allowing you to relax and sleep better. So get comfortable because we’re about to paint the town red!
Use meat tenderizer to remove period stains

You know what sucks more than periods? Ruining your favourite pair of underwear! If you’re having trouble getting out some pesky stains, try using meat tenderizer. This is because most meat tenderizers contain bromelain, which is an enzyme that helps break down stains. Simply mix 2 to 3 drops of water with 1 teaspoon of tenderizer and massage it into the stain.
Eat some natural laxatives before your period

You may experience some stomach discomfort a few days before your period actually starts. It’s not pleasant, but it’s completely normal! This is due to the increase in hormones called prostaglandins, causing contractions in your intestines, which can lead to diarrhea. That’s why its always a good idea to eat some natural laxatives two or three days before your period, so that you can clean up your digestive system and reduce the pain when your period actually starts!
Do the downward-facing dog pose to relieve cramps

Yoga is said to help bloating, cramps and headaches. The yoga pose in particular that we’re talking about is the downward-facing dog. Besides strengthening and stretching, it also helps relieve menstrual pain! So get your yoga mats out and start stretching!
More on menstruation? Read this:
Out For Blood: Say ‘Hell No’ To These 5 Foods While You’re On Your Period!